
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Manifest Your Destiny

Before there was the Secret, there were a lot of others including U. S. Anderson and the book "Three Magic Words," the "Bible", Ernest Holmes and Charles Fillmore, and so many others who all were telling us the same things just not in the way "The Secret" does or using the number of technological mediums available. And of course, integral to The Secret are the writings of Charles F. Haanel's "The Master Key System."  

Funny thing--I've had this book in the door pocket of my car for over 10 years. If I went somewhere and there were long lines, I'd read the book. If I got stopped in a traffic jam, I'd read a page or two. If I happened to have a few minutes to stop at a park, I'd take the book along and just enjoy reading outdoors for a few minutes.

Well, I sold my car and in preparation to do so, I re-discovered this lovely little gem. While I was cleaning the car, I was giving the Universe notice that it was my intention that the car sell, that it sell quickly and that it sell for more than what I actually expected. My intent was very clear. My photos and description were very clear. My price was very clear. And within less than 12 hours of posting it online, I had more money in my hand than I thought I'd actually get for the car, the title was transferred and it was a done deal. Although I had naysayers who thought I might be lucky if I sold it at all, I did not listen to them and trusted my heart and the guidance I was getting--I used logical steps to research other similar cars and the selling price of them... 

My sweetie and a couple of other good friends were not only shocked at the price that I was able to receive but also the speed with which the car exited my domain especially considering that the car is 14 years old with almost 200,000 miles!

 I was done with it. I declared I was done with it and that its new owner was ready for it. And so it was! I also had no doubt that what I intended would happen before the end of the week. I had no idea it would be within the day! Here is the paragraph that I read when I found the book by Haanel in the car pocket as I was cleaning: (page 150)

 "This week concentrate upon your power to create; seek insight, perception; try to find a logical basis for the faith which is in you. Let the thought dwell on the fact that the physical man lives and moves and has his being in the sustainer of all organic life air, that he must breathe to live. Then let the thought rest on the fact that the spiritual man also lives and moves and has his being in a similar but subtler energy upon which he must depend for life, and that as in the physical world no life assumes form until after a seed is sown, and no higher fruit than that of the parent stock can be produced; so in the spiritual world no effect can be produced until the seed is sown and the fruit will depend upon the nature of the seed, so that the results which you secure depend upon your perception of law in the mighty domain of causation, the highest evolution of human consciousness."

 Yep. I planted the seed, nurtured it with my cleaning up the car (every stroke of the vacuum and the cleaning rag was an emphasis that the car was going to sell.) I removed all of my personal items so that all that was left was a clean, neutral car ready for the impress of the new owner. I was very clear when I posted online that it would see the right person. And before I had even woken up the next day I had not one, not two, but three definitely interested buyers. I sold to the first of the three and the other two were disappointed--one even telling me he would have paid an additional $500 to have had my car. Yes, my 14 year old car. Imagine that! Well, I did. And it became reality.

 So as Emerson said, "There is no thought in my mind but it quickly tends to convert itself into a power and organizes a huge instrumentality of means.”

(C) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved. Photos courtesy of Pixabay.