
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Path of Least Resistance

"Resistance is Futile" because "what you resist, persists."  These two statements are regularly heard, but it seems like we humans have a difficult time understanding. Our default mode when we experience something we don't like or want is to resist. And we wonder why that situation continues to be a bother to us.

If we were able to lean into and truly feel and experience whatever the situation may be, it would dissipate naturally, like clouds moving through the sky or fog burning off in the heat of the sun. Whether we like it or not, our current understanding of manifesting is that whatever you are focused on or thinking about is what is creating and manifesting in life. Even if it is something we prefer not to experience and maybe especially when it is something we prefer not to experience, we place an inordinate amount of energy to try to keep that experience at bay.  What we seem to not realize or get is that the meer act of placing energy into blocking something is in fact, bringing it more fully into realization. We cannot muscle our way out of something we resist. 

David Weissman uses this terminology which makes perfect sense about the path of least resistance, "In physics, the "path of least resistance" is a heuristic from folk physics that can sometimes, in very simple situations, describe approximately what happens. It is an approximation of the tendency to the least energy state." (from Wikipedia, and  David Weissman (1 February 2012) Cage; .The Must, Should and Ought from Is. SUNY Press. p. 68. ISBN 978-0-7914-8119-6.)

If one were hiking, and there were two mountains, the path of least resistance (other than not hiking at all) would be to find a path between the two mountains, rather than trying to climb over or up the mountains to get to the other side.  Another analogy would be to paddle with the stream rather than try to force one's way upstream by paddling against the force of the oncoming water.  

Many famous people have quotes about the path of least resistance. Some advocate not taking the path of least resistance because it is the "lazy" way or the least challenging. Others advocate taking the path of least resistance because you will have so much more energy and focus to do what you truly are here to do.  

I am still learning how to take the path of least resistance in different situations in my life and I do find that when I do, I have so much more energy and focus to put on other things and areas of my life that actually mean something to me.  I have, in the past argued for or against things that in the end I really didn't even care about one way or the other--so much wasted energy and time which I could have been using to enjoy my life. 

I don't believe that the path of least resistance necessarily means we are to be lazy or not involved. For me, it means that I must be aware of my inner feelings--if there is something I do not want to do or somewhere I do not want to go, then I take a closer look at that--why am I resisting?  Finding out what is behind the resistance allows me the opportunity to actually take some time to feel what I am feeling, to expand out and explore what I'm resisting...and from there make a decision as to whether I want to do/say/be something or not.  Am I angry? Hurt? Feeling betrayed? I know these are signals for me to check myself...check what is in my current experience that I DON’T want...because when I figure out what I don’t want, then I can focus on what I do want to have, be, do, experience, feel. Usually when I take the time to feel into the resistance, the resistance goes away--I either do the thing with good will or I choose something different. It’s sort of like the saying you have to walk through the fire to get to the other side.

I used to believe strongly in needing every moment of my life to be challenging.  Many things came to me fairly easily--I was intelligent and got good grades without studying much; I was attractive and had many friends and suitors; my day to day life unfolded pretty easily.  I felt a little bad about how easily my life was unfolding for me when I compared it to other people's struggles. I also wondered if I was missing out by having such an easy life--and I remember consciously choosing to create obstacles and resistance in my path because I was somewhat bored.  

In the past several years I have come to realize that the false need for challenges and constant struggle was a construct I made.  I have come to realize that it is okay for my life to be simple and easy and for each day to move along without hindrance or obstacles.  I am still growing. In fact, in some ways, by taking the path of least resistance, I am growing faster and my skills and talents getting better and better because I have the time and energy to focus on them. I focus my attention and energy on what makes my soul sing...making art, creating jewelry, studying...just about anything, learning about medieval illuminations, playing box games, dancing, hanging out with friends, swimming, traveling, reading....anything that is on my spiritual path...those things come easy and joyfully to me and the more I do them, the more I do them. 

So, do what you love. For one minute. Then for two, five, ten, twenty...until everything you do, everything you are is your true and authentic joyous self.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.