
Sunday, April 11, 2021

Be True to You!

The world   we live in now is plugged in, connected in every possible way through social media, television, a phone call away and every other form of media. It is easier than ever to be sucked into the mundane or "secular" world of dramas, political intrigues, social opinion and a viewpoint that focuses more on the pain and ugliness of the world than to focus on the good, kind and loving acts of humanity.

It seems like people are more in each other's business than ever before and trying to influence people to one or another way of thinking without any regard for the idea that those people already have their own set of views, beliefs and experiences.  Their own moral code. And woe until the person who thinks or feels differently from the masses.  I don't know if it is a new phenomena or that because of social media we are more aware of it than ever before, but it appears to me that our society has become one of meanness and pettiness, of great drama and a need to shout over each other instead of listen and have compassion for each other.

Whether this is a new way of being in the world or an age-old human condition, what I do know is that we each have a right to our opinions and beliefs. We each have a right to live our life in the manner we choose (so long as we are not harming another) and we each have a right to choose where we are, who we hang around with, what we pay attention to and how we use our time and energy. We do not have to like or agree with another’s viewpoint. The question is whether we can look objectively at the belief and allow them to have their own even if they are diametrically opposed to our own.  We forget so easily that we are spiritual beings having a human experience rather than the other way around.  Those opposing view points and experiences help us define our uniqueness. Since we are each individual, unique expressions of the Oneness, we owe it to ourselves to be true to ourselves, to ask that people refrain from trampling over our own authenticity and to remove ourselves from situations, people, belief systems or experiences that do not align with our true self. 

If science is right then there are multiverses upon multiverses. We can choose one that fits us better or we can ignore those people who are getting a rise from us. What I know from many personal experiences is that once I stop giving my attention to what doesn’t align with me, it disappears like mist in the morning, fading into nothingness.  If I continue to put my attention on what I disagree with, then perhaps I need to look more closely at whether there is a lesson for me to learn.  We can disagree . That doesn't mean we have to be boisterous, obnoxious or confrontational about our right to assert our own authenticity. We have responsibility for our own actions and words--it's not a free-for-all grab for something but a quiet, steadfast dedication to Be True to You!

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.