
Thursday, April 1, 2021

If You Must Advise, Advise Yourself

It is funny how many people today think that they have the answers and are more than willing, in fact, eager, to tell everyone their opinion and give their advice on how people should live their lives. Now one can ignore everyone (and it may in fact be wise to do so!) or one can listen and choose which advice to take.

Have you ever tried to give someone advice?  Did they take your advice and if so, did it work out well?  Did it blow up in your face or cost you a friendship?

The thing of it is that no one of us knows what the other person is thinking, where they have been, what experiences they have had nor how they have processed them.  Even our closest friends or family members remain a mystery because there just simply is no way for us to truly know what the other person thinks, feels or believes.  The adage, "walk in anothers shoes" is simply impossible to do.  We may be able to walk down the same street but our walk cannot be an exact replica of their walk for we are each individuals.

The wisest course of action you can take is to advise yourself.  Collect data and observations and even other people's opinions, but in the end, decide for yourself what you think is the best course of action for you.  Do not try to enmesh yourself in another persons situations. You cannot fix, correct or make anything happen for the other person even with the very best of intentions.

And as a general rule, it does seem that those who advise others end up becoming the perpetrator when their advice causes some unforeseen setback or difficulty.  So if you feel you must advise, take stock of your own life, and advise yourself.

(c) 2021 SZing , Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.