
Sunday, May 2, 2021


I often come back to the idea of forgiveness because it is a spiritual practice that I do every day, often many times a day.  We may wonder, "how many times do I have to forgive this person/situation?"  The answer?  Until you no longer think about it, it no longer has any sort of emotional charge on it and it no longer affects your life.

The Bible suggests 7 x 70 times.  I have not counted the number of times I have forgiven any specific thing but I am guessing that by the time I were to get to 490 times on any single situation, person or event, I would be pretty clear that I had forgiven.

How do we forgive?  There are many paths to this and I'm going to note just a couple that I have found really useful.

1.  Pray.  I specifically pray for the release of the situation, person, situation and also for forgiveness of myself for holding the grudge, getting involved in the situation in the first place, etc.

2.  Colin Tipping wrote a very useful book called Radical Forgiveness which includes a worksheet specifically for emotionally stuck forgiveness issues. I highly recommend this process although I don't use it on every single issue I do forgiveness work on, I use it on the ones that are highly charged for me. I believe the worksheets are in a PDF down loadable format from his website.

3.  I use an Avatar technique called At-One-Ment (atonement).  It can be used anywhere, anytime and does not take a lot of time or effort but is very powerful for release and forgiveness.  It is a part of the Avatar Mini Course. It is available for free as well.

4.  I also sometimes use Brene' Brown's forgiveness exercise which is very useful for quick moments of forgiveness or when the issue is not taking up huge expenditures of energy and attention.  I also love using it specifically for self-forgiveness as I find it is very nurturing.

There are several other methods I use periodically but these four are the main ones I utilize on a regular/daily basis.

Self forgiveness is the most important gift you can give yourself. You may not get forgiveness from others but if you can love and forgive yourself you can heal wounds and move on to live a productive, good and sweet life.

If I have offended, if I have done anything ever to harm or upset you, if I have been wrong and not seen or acknowledged it, I ask your forgiveness.  And you can be assured that I also am forgiving you for any thing which I might construe as negative or something I need to forgive. I forgive you. I forgive me.  I choose peace.

(c) 2021,  SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.