
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Move Toward Thriving

Survival is important, no doubt about it. Without the basics of life--food, water, shelter, there would not be Life for long. But there comes a point in time and life when we are called to move beyond survival.  Since I live in the USA, I am blessed with more abundance and prosperity than so many people across the world can even begin to imagine. And I admit, I probably do take it somewhat for granted, although I am extremely grateful each day for all that I have and have access to.

I don't know if it is possible for people who are struggling for the basics to find a way to thrive--I suppose some of this might depend on the definition of thriving.  I don't know for sure, but I am guessing that they also have dreams and wishes that they'd like to fulfill. I am guessing that if there is a day where all of their needs are met they might take a few minutes to relax and just enjoy the sunshine, or the cool covering of shelter and in those moments the chance for thoughts of thriving might come into play.

For those of us, like me, who live in an abundant community and have plenty of food to eat, clothes to wear and more shelter than is really necessary, the definition of thriving takes on a different stripe. We certainly must remain in gratitude for all the good we have access to. I am grateful every day for the good that is mine to use and have. I don't have to worry about where my next cup of water is coming from or whether I will be safe from the storms of nature. This opens up a whole venue of ideas and thoughts, dreams and meditations on how I can better utilize the skills, the talents, and the gifts I have been given and developed to express my self more, to experience more of life, to help others to express themselves more and to help others to experience more of life. It calls me to find ways to bring more beauty to the world. I am nudged to provide encouragement, upliftment and inspiration for those I come across in my path.  It calls me to move away from situations, people or institutions that stifle the idea of thriving or which try to circumvent my own or others ability to move beyond survival mode to thriving. I am inspired to expand my richness of life--through loving friendships and relationships, through creative expression, through improved health, through appreciation for the world in which I live. is not just about monetary wealth or income. It goes beyond the riches of money to the riches of deepening friendships, deepening understanding of the world and spiritual matters, to the deepening of self-care so that I can provide other care for those who are open to receive. about finding the abundance and opulence of life. Thriving is about exceeding our previous abilities, talents or skills toward creating blessings for self and others every day, many times a day. Thriving is when innovations can occur. It is when entertainment can occur. It is when creation can occur.

(c) 2021,  SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain