
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Too Much Prosperity?!


Ahhh, about 6 months ago I was going to teach a prosperity class.  I announced it, I publicized it for over 6 weeks. And got only four people who signed up. I was mystified as I knew that there were a significant number of people struggling to make ends meet and who certainly were not living a life of prosperity and thriving but rather in fear, worry and doubt.  I also knew that there were those who were making ends meet but certainly not thriving.

The purpose of a prosperity class is to assist those participating to see beyond their current perspective and set of limitations.  It is meant to help keep attention on prospering and off of worry and fear. It is meant to raise consciousness and to bring a fuller understanding of the idea of thriving. Do I expect people to walk away as millionaires? I certainly would never limit them from creating that.  I know that taking prosperity classes does raise the attention to prospering, to gratitude, to creating and being receptive and yielding to creative streams of income and really understanding what the Source of income and prosperity is. Prosperity is not just about money. It is about how you live life and whether or not you are thriving, surviving or struggling.

When I began asking individuals if they were going to take the class some of the responses I got were, "I already took a prosperity class a year ago so I don't need it"

and "I don't really think I need another class".

And the one I loved the most, "I can't afford it."  I heard this one more than any other.  All I can think is, can you afford not to? But people have their own priorities.
I don't personally know anyone who has too much prosperity or specifically too much money. I have known some people who had astounding amounts of money in the millions.  Now there may be some people out there who "do" (have too much money)--if you believe in such a thing (I do not), but none of those are people I am currently acquainted with.

That said I will be releasing “Prosper in Every Way” as a videoed class you can take and do the exercises on your own schedule at the beginning of March.  I have been very blessed in many ways with prosperity in terms of money and finances, with my loving relationships, with my creativity, my work, and even my health and wholeness is constantly improving. Wouldn’t it be delightful to have a life that works for your highest and best good.  Do you believe that there is enough for everyone or do you have a belief about prosperity that if you prosper someone else will lack? Are you ready to heal the ideas and thoughts that others have indoctrinated in you about what it means to succeed and to thrive? Would you like to be able to genuinely purchase what you want without worrying about how you will afford it. Do you believe some people deserve wealth more than you?  

Don't continue to suffer people.  Up your game and your abundance levels by giving yourself the gift of prosperity and find new ways to let your life flow and grow, thriving beyond survival and struggle.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.