
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

No Shadows

Groundhog day.  The day the groundhog sees its shadow.

Well, spoiler alert.  Whether or not the groundhog sees its shadow, we are, according to weathermen, almanacs and calendars worldwide, going to have six more weeks of winter until the date of Spring arrives.

Now sometimes the groundhog doesn't see its shadow.  And that doesn't stop the world from turning or life from moving forward.  In the same way, we all have parts of our lives, things in our past, behaviors we engaged in that can be considered shadow side.  We have dark to see light, we have pain to feel joy, we have death to appreciate life.

Shadow exists. But do we have to live in the shadow?  There are certainly some people who believe it is best if you continually revisit your shadow stuff.  Their claim is that you must in order to move beyond it. It can do more damage to try to dig up the past than to allow it to be what it was and move on.  I know from my own and the proof of others experience that we it is equally possible to move beyond it without having to get back into it.  We can acknowledge it was there and move on. 

Since we are alive, we are meant to move forward and not stay stagnant. To continually revisit the shadow stuff of our lives is the exact opposite of moving forward or life. It is a form of stagnation.  When we get back into the shadow, the feelings we feel from that and the emotional energy charge that is brought forth re-creates shadow.

I believe in the sunshine. I believe in moving forward. I believe that we must stop tormenting ourselves and others by throwing shadows and shade. We cannot become enlightened if our vision is stuck in the past. We cannot bring life or light to others when we are creating out of a space of brokenness.  The best healers know that you leave the wound alone once it is cleaned out and bandaged. You do not continue to pick at the scab.  Healing means allowing time to move forward and the damages done to be replaced with new life.

Say NO to anyone who wants you to return to the Shadows or to dig around in your shadow self. Create new. Create from a place of light. No Shadows.

(c) 2021 SZing. Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.