
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Be Still

There are a couple of phrases I use regularly when there are the appearance of upsets in my life. "Be Still". And "All is Well and Very Well".  Though the world around me may be in chaos from political strife, from diversity strife, from emotional manipulations, plots and personal daggers being thrown my way, I can choose either to retaliate or I can choose to go within and be still.

You might hear someone say to go to the still place within. That is achieved for me through daily meditation, prayer and by reading uplifting words or listening to uplifting music. Sometimes it is achieved by a walk in nature or by playing with my dog. To be still is to stop reacting and to trust with faith that God always has my back and loves me no matter what else may be occurring which appears to the contrary.

To know that All is Well and Very Well even if the body appears to be challenged with illness or to know All is Well and Very Well when there is any form of upset is living and acting in and through faith.  It is the Faith of knowing that God is ever present, God is omniscient. God is all powerful.  Whatever is set in motion, for whatever reason good or ill, I know that when I am still and know all is well, I trust that God brings me through trying times, makes me stronger, loves me just as much as ever.  I know that God can instantly transform and overcome all things. Nothing is impossible to or through the Divine. All is Well all the time because I am in the presence of the Presence and connected with God at all times. It is from this sense of Oneness and Connection that I strive many times a day to move and live--to remember who and whose I am. 

Does that mean I never disagree with anyone or I don't have my own opinions? No. Does it mean I meekly let others walk all over me or that I keep quiet when I see some action that is less than optimal? No. I reach into my authentic self and I draw upon the stillness of knowing that All is Well and Very Well. Each experience and expression is a part of God as me and all others. I can choose today whether I am going to be blown apart by meanness and manipulations or whether I am going to be still and know that All is Well and Very Well.  Which do you suppose makes for a happier, easier, more fulfilled and thriving life?  Yep. And in the stillness, all is well. And very well.  What do you choose?

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain images.