
Thursday, February 11, 2021

How to Clear Your Consciousness


If you are feeling like you need to do a consciousness clearing, remember that your thoughts create your reality.

When your world is filled with clutter and stuff, you can bet that your mind is also filled with clutter and stuff. Thoughts become things.  If your thoughts are cluttered, your home, your office, your closet will be cluttered. You will have random junk and stuff everywhere. You will have more stuff than you need. There will be stuff hiding under the bed, tables and chairs will be covered, every available surface will be filled.  Bulletin boards and desks will seem like an avalanche happened.  This is an out picturing of your thoughts. They are jumbled up. You may be jumping from one idea to the next, one drama to another.

Want clarity?  Focus. Whatever it is that you most want, keep your thoughts on that. And start cleaning up your spaces.  It does work both ways. As you clear up the physical clutter, you can be assured that this means you are clearing up your mental clutter. Focus on clearing up one area at a time. This is a sure sign that you are clearing up one area at a time in your thinking. Just take your time. It'll come. One day, one action, one thought at a time. I believe in you.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.