
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Every Board Has Two Sides


I asked my sweetie what would be a good topic for today's blog. After an inappropriate suggestion involving our fat cat (who was lying heavily upon him) and his foot, he suggested "Every Board Has Two Sides."

I should add a little sideline here that he is a woodworker so he never drives by a fallen tree without seeing turned bowls--their potential anyway.

When he was explaining his topic to me, he said that usually one side looks better than the other.  I think he was alluding to the fact that all humans have a light and a dark side.  There is the side of ourselves that we show off to the world, and there is the side of us that is what I call the perfecting grounds--that part where we have made mistakes and errors and from where we all grow.  We all want to be seen from our best side, our best perspective and with the beauty that is inherent in us. Even if there is a part that is not so pretty, the part that is beautiful still exists. And everyone has both sides. Yet it is all one board. All from the same tree.

How is it even possible that the same board can be unattractive on one side?  Some boards are, despite flaws, pretty on both sides. He agreed as he rarely has seen a truly ugly board.  He countered that when he picks a board, depending on the project he might choose the side that is flawless.  In other circumstances, he might prefer the side that is rough, has knots and whorls. He wanted to emphasize that there are always at least two ways to see anything.  I suggested that there are more than two ways to view any situation or topic.

From a spiritual perspective, I encourage you to look at everything you assume to be Truth from multiple perspectives--this will help you to truly discern what is truth and what is Truth. It also will broaden your mind.  Whatever "side" you are showing to the world, it is all One, all Divine and you, the overall you, is just fine, knots, whorls and all.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy Pixabay.