
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Understanding Oneness


Years ago I had a very intense, spontaneous experience.  I was meditating in a chair and all of a sudden I felt that all of my cells and atoms (and smaller) were interchanging with the chair, the fabric of the upholstery, the floor, my clothes, everything around me--it was just a swirling mass of exchanging energy. Quantum physics calls this a photon exchange.

NOPE, I was not using any drugs whatsoever. I simply was meditating.  It was a very impactful knowing moment for me where I just knew that everything, EVERYTHING is connected in a way that we just don't see or understand on a day to day basis. Was this thermodynamicsNuclear transmutation or alchemy?

A few days later I was on a trip and happened to pick up a magazine which had an article about quantum physics and it was talking about the exchange of energy and atoms in all things...I wish now I had kept that article to refer back to but at the time I was just amazed and happy that what I had experienced actually was a real "thing" and that science was helping to explain it. Such synchronicity is common when you are on your right path.

While it was a scientific situation, for me it was a spiritual one. To know my Oneness with all of creation in an instantaneous awareness was life changing for me.  I really did not know how to explain it to anyone.  I did try to with my then husband but I could tell he really didn't hear or understand what I was talking about. So I kept this knowledge within me as a cherished piece of my spiritual understanding. 

What it has done for me is to broaden my ability to value all that I see, all that I do and know that every thought, every touch, every interaction has ripples that extend beyond all of my conceptions of space and time.  What I know is that we affect each other (and when negative thinking or actions, infect each other) with our existence.  We are constantly in energy exchange. It is one reason why I try to be discerning about who I am in close contact with--knowing that energy exchange does in fact happen. On the other hand, it is a way that those who have very clear knowing and positive energy can uplift others--perhaps that is one reason why some leaders, ministers and entertainers have large followings--their energy is so attractive, so positive, so highly charged that those who are not as charged up are intrinsically magnetized to it--and so an exchange happens that uplifts everyone. The same, unfortunately, can be true about very heavy, unhappy energy--haven't you been around someone blue and gloomy and felt the impact of that upon your own energy at least a little bit?

This certainly gives rise to some questions like--is it a smart plan for us to put prisoners or people with mental illnesses all together in the same location?  How can we lift more people up without bringing anyone down?  How does energy enlighten up and how I can I enlighten up all of my cells, atoms, energy packets more quickly?  What happens when I exchange energy with inanimate objects?  I don't know the answers to these questions.  This blog is more about my thoughts than specifically or necessarily getting "correct" answers.  Perhaps I'm way off base, but even if I am, doesn't this subject matter deserve some thought or exploration?

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy Pixabay.