
Thursday, January 14, 2021


There is a segment of the Native American population that views butterflies as a symbol for transformation.  It is easy to understand why as the caterpillar that once was had to go through not one but two pretty major transformations in order to become the butterfly.  First they had to live as a caterpillar, which consists pretty much of eating, and I suppose, pooping. And surviving birds and other bug eating critters.

Then they find a nice cozy place to wrap up in silk.  This is a natural drive they cannot resist and if you think about it, this can't exactly be a comfortable or easy process.  While I don't know and I don't know if scientists even know what happens to the caterpillar in the process of becoming a chrysalis, I would imagine it is somewhat a combination of comfort in being held tight and smothering in being held tight.  It also might involve some physical pain as their body changes drastically in that small, tight sac.

After a period of time, the butterfly, being fully formed inside the chrysalis is just as driven to escape as it originally was driven to become a silk bed of transformation. The butterfly struggles to push its way out of the chrysalis.  Expanding the wings cracks the silk open and eventually, the butterfly is able to fully shed the silk. 
Twice in a relatively short period of time this single and singular creature goes through major transformation. There is no option of remaining a caterpillar.  There is no option of remaining a chrysalis.  They are, from their first moment, destined for these transformations into butterfly-hood. 

There are many tools and books for helping with Transformation.  But it isn't necessary to read a book or take a class.  Transformation can occur in an instant simply by being willing to let go of the past and alter the course of your life by changing actions or behaviors, thoughts and beliefs. 

Transformation is a real thing and can happen to any one of us if we are willing to allow it to.  It means letting go of the past.  It means taking time to discover and create the new being--sometimes all alone, sometimes quietly, sometimes there may be pain and stretching as the changes occur.  It means shedding the old and embracing the new.  It means going from mindless crawling to being able to spread wings and fly. 

We each have the capacity within us to transform our lives.  If someone or something is attempting to keep you stuck in your caterpillar mode, you may need to find a way to cocoon and allow yourself to become who you choose to be--who you are meant to be.  We can transform our lives. We are called to do this.  May your transformation be one of joy and freedom. 

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.