
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Aren’t We Amazing!

 I live in Florida and not too far away from the Space Coast.  When there are space launches, we see them (albeit quite a bit smaller than if we were there in person) from our front yard.

A while back, I watched the Atlas V rocket launch.  It was quite astounding to see what appear to be a very bright, very big firework taking off into the absolutely clear night sky.  We watched for at least 10 minutes. At first we could see the fiery tail shooting out of the rocket.  As it got higher and higher, it flickered as it got into the atmosphere and in practically the blink of an eye, it was no longer visible.

Enamel glass on glass, (c) SZing 2015.
Used by permission.

And I have to admit that it brought a tear to my eyes.  I thought, "How Amazing we are.  How Amazing that we have the Intelligence to figure out how to make this machine that shoots into the heavens.  How Amazing that an Intelligent Creator gave us the brilliance to figure out how to play in the most minuscule way in the Universe.”  And I have hope that the visions shown in science fiction like Star Trek will someday come to pass.

It brings to mind from the Bible Psalm 8:3
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him....

What miraculous care we are given just because we are here.  How wonderous we must be...

I am awed. In Awe.  In Love and Awe.  In gratitude.  Thank you. Thank you.  Thank you Universe, Creator, Amazing One that shows us in the tiniest way what we are capable of doing and of being.  Amazing, aren't we?

(C) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved.