
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Turn Away from the Condition


Ernest Holmes in his book Science of Mind consistently reiterates that in order to create something new in our lives, we must "turn away from the condition." 

Albert Einstein said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

What both of these ideas are saying is that where we put our thoughts--or more accurately--our attention, that is what is being brought forward into our lives.  If we do not like or want some experience to continue, we must turn away from it--turn off the attention we give it, remove it from our thoughts by replacing it with thoughts about what we do want instead. 

It isn't always easy to do this because some creations feel so big, so permanent, so hard to change.  They have captured high emotions and have become a feedback loop where we repeatedly review the same thoughts, the activities, the history of the situation over and over.  This type of thinking and activity is not going to move you from where you are but only mires you deeper into the creation.

Some people would say that to turn away from the condition is denial, and on one hand, that is true in the sense that we must deny the condition any further attention or energy.  Does it mean that we deny that the situation did exist? No, we just are choosing to stop feeding that monster and allowing it to atrophy into its native nothingness, which is exactly what happens when something no longer receives nourishment.  It does not  mean that the solution is to dive in deeper, to search around in the mud and the muck, to dig at healed scars to find the source of the problem.  It is actually much simpler than that--the source of the problem, the condition, is a choice in subject matter upon which we dwell and think.

With commitment and dedicated practice, it is possible to put our thoughts on new things, new situations, new behaviors and to actually change.  I know for a fact that just because you were one way in the past, does not mean that is how you have to be forever. I know for a fact that behaviors, attitudes, and ideas can be changed. It is unrealistic to believe that people never change or that they cannot change.  Since the cosmos is constantly changing and we know that stagnation leads to death, then we can surmise that humans and thoughts are also constantly able to change.

There is a quantum field of possibilities from which to choose.  Just because some person labels you some way does not mean that is who or what you are. Even if at one time you fit that label, it does not mean you are destined to always fit that label.  You can choose to change, one thought, one idea, on condition at a time.

For many years I have seen numerous people use Ernest Holmes advice to great benefit in their life. I have witnessed people turn away from unhealthy body conditions and become healthy and fit.  I have witnessed people turn away from conditions saying they were going to be alone and lonely only to have them choose new thoughts and patterns and create wonderful, committed and loving relationships. I have witnessed people stop ruminating about things that were done to them before they knew better and who have chosen to no longer be a part of the victim/perpetrator/savior triangle.  I have witnessed people changing their thoughts and behaviors to become loving, kind, generous and thoughtful people.

While some may believe that gut wrenching blame games to seek out someone or something to be "cause" is the way to transform one's life, I have also witnessed that this method is hard, painful and takes far longer to achieve an improved state than simply turning off the energy to the unwanted condition. I have actually seen this method of digging at the past cause more harm, more mental instability and unhappiness as a result of the processes of staying stuck in the muck.

Whatever it is that is happening in your life that you no longer wish to experience, you must turn your attention, your thoughts, your inner voice, your activity away from feeding that condition and instead discover what you want instead and put all of your energy into that.  It works, I've seen it work and it has worked in my own life. I am a believer because I have seen the fruits of turning away from the condition in my own life and in the life of others. Do not make yourself miserable.  It is not necessary.  Find joyful thoughts, find beauty, find goodness and focus on those.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.