
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Gratitude for Everything

There is something magical that happens within us and around us when we are in a state of gratitude. If you can be grateful for what you have and are now, then you open up the possibility to receive more, to experience more and to express more.  You are not stopping the flow of energy.

Stemming from the Latin ‘Gratia’, meaning grateful and pertaining to kindness and the beauty of giving and receiving, gratitude is the most common discrete positive affect, experienced by more than 90% of adults (Chipperfield, Perry & Weiner, 2003).

There are several studies and the Harvard Medical School that note gratitude has many personal benefits, not the least of which is a better sense of well-being.  And don't we all want that?  

Gratitude requires such a small amount of time or energy compared to our every day activities.  Yet it also is one of those areas where we could begin to pray without ceasing.  Imagine how different your life will be if you were in constant gratitude for EVERYTHING, yes, everything--the good, the bad, the ugly that occurs in your life or that you witness or experience.

What are you grateful for today?  Have you told anyone you are are grateful for them or at the very least, thanked them for something they have done for you?

Gratitude is not reserved for Thanksgiving Day.  If you don't already, wouldn't this be a great time to begin to cultivate a daily gratitude habit?

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.