
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Elevate the Vote


We are so fortunate in the USA to be a democracy. Although I think we can all admit that our current expression of that needs some serious tweaking including term limits for politicians and an end to career politicians, the make some adjustments requiring electoral collage votes reflect the will of the people and to put a stop to gerrymandering and add some checks on executive o so that the voice of the people is truly acted upon, and not over-ridden by political posturing...

Today is the election of one of two controversial people running in the history of America. The emotions are running high and strong throughout our nation and the world at what the results will be and the fall out from those results. Those of us who have the consciousness to do so are encouraging people to elevate the vote.  It's too late now for us to find and elect a more appropriate candidate, but that doesn't mean we have to lose our minds or our civility.  If you are unable to go to a polling place, there are people who are willing to drive others to the polls. Even though we have to socially distance and wear masks and be very careful to use sanitizer, going with another person can help to give you someone to hold your space in line for a bathroom break. Take snacks and water. The lines may be long. There may be people there who will try to stop you or intimidate you.  Be sure you know before you leave that you know where you’re supposed to go to the polls and whether you’re voting early, mailing in your ballot or voting on the day of the election, don’t let anyone intimidate you out of your right to vote or if you have some fear about doing so, mail your ballot and check that it was received and counted, then you can meditate  from your own home, holding the consciousness of Oneness

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Pictures from Pixabay public domain.