
Sunday, November 22, 2020

And Now...

 I love studying metaphysic and am so grateful for the Science of Mind archives.  I've been reading the Creative Mind digital pages as they've been available.  I came across this gem and just felt it was perfect for the day and the moment that I got it.   I hope you will enjoy as much as I do.

No one has ever solved a problem by worrying about it. A repetition of negatives cannot create a positive. Yet, watch a worried person, and you will see him enmeshed in useless ideas that will have to be discarded before the solution appears. The past with its memory patterns is the millstone that hangs around the necks of most people. Jesus negated the past, affirmed the present in positive terms, and declared the future to be good. His way of thinking has improved the world. It can improve you. It is easy to think of the past, because it requires no new thinking. The ideas have already been alive once. But, to think ahead creatively requires your stepping out of accepted ideas. You have to make new friends in the realm of Mind. New ideas conceived guarantee new conditions to be perceived. Your immediate future is your present thinking made visible. You can only become what you now believe you are. Right thinking today about yourself is your only guarantee of right experience tomorrow. Affirm that you are a spiritual person receptive to God’s Ideas, and let Life bring to pass the good you need and seek. It will do just that. ~Raymond Charles Barker
(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved.