
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Let's Get (meta)Physical

I read a little something just about every day that is inspirational, educational, and spiritually keeps me on the path I most choose. Ernest Holmes' writings are some of my very favorite. Even though some of his ideas (table rapping for one) and his style of writing sometimes can be challenging, it is rare that his words do not give me reason to pause and consider my own life through his lens.

I love that the Science of Mind archives have his works available both in written form but also audio book. He had a lovely voice and cadence to his speaking that I like to listen to.

Here is an excerpt from December 5 1954--Creative Mind Magazine--I love this statement of Truth.  They are archiving all of the Creative Mind Magazines, which is truly a gift to the world.

courtesy Pixabay public domain images
MY PRESENT WORLD IS GOOD. “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise’ — L u k e 2 3 :4 3 . T h e u n i v e r s e bears witness of God. All things are created and maintained by God’s Mind, and that same Mind is in me.

I am one with the creative process. God uses me as a creative outlet through which to create new forms of good. My mind and heart are now open to new directions from the One Mind.

I follow through and give these Ideas form in my world. I let good happen through me. My mind is a center of Divine Activity. I now dedicate my thinking to Him who caused me to be. All the Power and all the Intelligence there is flows through my thinking. God’s action in me is my health, my peace of mind and my prosperity. Today, great changes for good appear in my world. There is nothing to fear.

Steadfastly thinking in terms of good, the desires of my heart are made manifest. I refuse to believe in failure, lack or disease. God, in my present world, is my deliverance from all evil. I rest in His perfect action this day.   ~ Raymond Charles Barker

(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved.