
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Practice, Practice, Practice


I love to learn. I study and read regularly and I normally choose books and subjects that are uplifting or bring me back into spiritual alignment.  I recently took some spiritual classes that were very enlightening. And I am so grateful and excited about it I could burst.  I love learning, I love sharing what I am learning and I just love giving of myself in this way.

There are an unlimited number of possible places from which to learn, books to read, people to learn from.  I love using iTunes iUniversity. I listen to podcasts and I watch  YouTube, I have taken spiritual classes from many high quality Universities and teachers.

Growing up I thought I was going to be a nun.  However, as hormones and my attraction to boys arrived, I knew that would never work for me. Still I had such a deep drive to explore my spiritual self even as a young child that I could never ignore.  In my early teen years, my siblings teased me and called me a "Bible Thumper" as an epithet against me--although, to be honest, I don't think I ever quoted the Bible to them or preached at them or anything else.  I just tried very hard to do right and be good, kind and loving.

I believe both my grandmother and my mother were closet mystics--I say this because upon their deaths there were books and objects found in their belongings that led me to believe they each had a much richer spiritual experience than any of us were led to believe. And I also had some experiences related to their deaths which caused me to question much of what I had been taught about life, death and spirit.

My spiritual journey took me through many areas of interest from quantum physics and mechanics, to questions about life after death and reincarnation, to looking at many world religions to determine what was Truth.

I read a lot of different books and studied many things.  I eventually discovered Unity churches, and living very close to Unity Village I often went to the campus and prayed in the chapel--both the indoor chapel and the outdoor chapel without walls.  I felt and still feel  some inner spirit that is I but not I within me and I have always sensed this and had a deep sense of relationship with what I call I AM. 

I thought at one point I would be a Unity minister but it just never felt quite right and so I moved on in my explorations. After a traumatic life event, a friend of mine invited me to a Science of Mind center (NO, this is NOT Scientology).  The  teachings of Ernest Holmes profoundly affected my life and changed how I understand life,manifestation and creation.  It affected how I understand my role in creating my life. I have studied Science of Mind and Ernest Holmes' teachings for more than 25 years now and New Thought for over 40 years.

I was working on my business and every day seemed like I was walking in sludge or hitting a wall as things were taking forever to get to done or problems would crop up.  I knew that my focus was somewhere else. In a conversation with my sweetheart, he asked me what was wrong. Things in my business continued to go slowly and cause much frustration.  I knew that I was ready to put more into my spiritual practices daily and to share the teachings I learned and have gained over 30 years. This brought me to bringing forth to expand this website.

My heart sings with the knowledge that I am doing exactly what I am called and meant to do.  I don't know exactly the future here will develop into, but I do believe it is mine to do.  Today I am celebrating the first part of my journey's completion having been ordained as a minister.

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. All photographs courtesy Pixabay.