
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Divine Presence Is Everywhere


Ernest Holmes, the founder of the Science of Mind new thought movement was a prolific writer. I read his work almost every single day as he inspires me. (I know it might be a little irreverent of me to call him Uncle Ernie but I do feel that he is sort of a kindly, loving uncle to me so I do not intend or mean any offense to anyone by calling him that, rather I say it in a loving way.)

Here is the gem I mined out of "Creative Ideas" a book of daily inspirational writings. (If you have a problem with the word God, by all means substitute it with something more palatable for you--Universe, Creator, Spirit, Divine Spark, etc.--it’s All One and the name is less important than the knowing.) From page 114 I accept the Action of God ...our sufficiency is of God. II Corinthians 3:5

"We should daily affirm that the divine presence is everywhere, that it is always active in, around, and through us. The infinite power is always active, always dynamic and creative. It is never passive, but is moving in and through everything we do. Just as the one life harmoniously acts in every cell, every organ, and every function of our bodies, so the one Mind moves in and through our every experience. There is one Mind that governs everything, and I now affirm and accept that this same intelligence now governs my affairs. It is within me and around me at all times, directing, guiding, governing, controlling, and leading me happily to the fulfillment of all good purposes. It knows what to do, when to do it, and how to do it and I am impelled to act accordingly. I also salute the God-presence in everyone I meet, and I know that as surely as I do this, the love indwelling them responds to the same presence within me. We act in the unison of peace and understanding. Recognizing that all of life is the handiwork of God, I accept Its love and harmony as now manifesting in every aspect of my experience."

I know that I have things to do today and that whatever comes before me is what I am to do. I know that I am guided and I do what is mine to do--I don't worry about how things are going to happen because that is not my responsibility. I just take care of the things put before me to handle, knowing that what I get done is the right amount and the right thing for me to do today! And so it is for me. And so I know it is for you too.

(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved. Photos courtesy Pixabay.