
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Master Your Mind

Just finished an 8 week Mastermind group with a small group of students. 

If you are not familiar with Masterminding, it is something that Napoleon Hill in his book, "Think and Grow Rich," first suggested.  Well, okay, he may have named it that but groups of people have been masterminding forever. 

What is it?  

"To Mastermind is to bring together different perspectives, skills sets and viewpoints to assist each member to clarify, receive support, brainstorm and goal set toward individual achievements and/or life changes in a safe, confidential arena, where each person contributes to their own success and assists in the success of others by forming peer accountability. It is the focusing of attention to the areas of life one desires to experience." (Definition from Bohemian Art Cafe)

Masterminding is not about whining, gossiping, getting therapy or making excuses.  It is formulaic in the sense that each person follows a similar formula for the goals (whatever those might be--health, wealth, self-fulfillment, spiritual, emotional...) that the individual wishes to manifest.  A set of examples from the Fall Mastermind Group are powerful manifestations.

We support each other's goals and help (when asked) find solutions
to seemingly impossible or unknown situations.

Without revealing personal information, and yes, I have permission to share so long as I don't give out personal details, here are just some of the results that 8 people achieved in the Fall Mastermind group:

  • Get a bonus of $1500 or more--even though company policy dictates it couldn't happen
  • Sell a car--despite many miles and age of car and at a price higher than anyone expected to receive for it
  • Buy a new car--with proceeds of sold car
  • Start a new business--actually finish researching and write business plan
  • Get artwork shown in two new venues/galleries/shops--contact shop owners and sign contracts
  • Sell at least $100 in artwork per week--in existing shops
  • Finish writing the outline for a book--that has been sitting in a drawer for several decades
  • Finish writing the first chapter of a book--that has been sitting in a drawer for several decades
  • Buy a camera and sign up for a photography class--bought it and got signed up
  • Complete and pay old taxes--Took everything to someone to do it but it's done.
  • Find homes for two horses--Moving the horses to their new home this week
  • Put a home on the market--Signed with an agent, listed the house
  • Contact a sibling after more than 10 years--working to mend relationship
  • Listen to and follow "Get Rid of 50 Things"--Got rid of over 100 different items that were cluttering up a space

And that isn't even the full list.  There are emotional and spiritual healings. There are improvements in relationships. There are amazing manifestations "big and little" (a judgment that we humans seem to need to place on miracles) that have happened that were only spoken about briefly in the Mastermind group.  Movement happens and areas go from "stagnation" to "chugging along" to "full steam ahead" because of the focused attention the Masterminding brings.

The Mastermind group is a small group of no more than 8 people.  There are daily unexpected and expected fabulous outcomes, as well as seeing the camaraderie and support as the group gells and long term friendships develop.

(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved. Photos courtesy Pixabay.