
Sunday, October 18, 2020

I Am That I Am


I Am That I Am! 

I intuitively knew from the time I was about 8 years old that “I Am That I Am” is a Powerful statement. I was in catechism class and it was on the front of my book as a quote. When we finished the class, I cut the quote off the front of the class workbook and I have it on my bulletin board next to my desk to this day. It is a quote from 1 Corinthians, Verse 15:10 which more precisely states, "By God's favor I Am That I Am."  Somehow even at the age of 8 I knew that this meant that whatever I was, no matter what anyone else thought, I knew I was okay and I was loved just as I was, completely unconditionally. I knew that I was who and how I was by divine guidance and plan.

As a licensed non-denominational minister whatever your belief about a higher power, my services are available for prayer support, spiritual counseling, weddings, hand fasts, baby blessings, home or work blessings, funerals or memorial services. I also offer oracle readings by appointment on a limited basis. All religious beliefs are valid so whatever you believe I support.

In my belief system, like in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, Source has many names and faces but in the end, all are of the One. If you have some area of your life that you would like prayer support, please be sure to fill out a prayer request and know that I am immediately praying for you and that I will continue to do so for the entire week. Here is to your expanding consciousness and your also knowing I Am That I Am.