
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Notes From Star Trek

I am a spiritual nerd.  And there are few combinations that bring me as much happiness as when spiritual lessons are brought to the masses through mass media and books.  I am an especial fan of both Star Trek and Star Wars.

And I have to say that those Vulcans, despite eliminating their emotional expression, certainly seem to be rather enlightened even with their logical approach.  Who would argue that their go-to phrase, "Live Long and Prosper" is something we wouldn't all like to have.  To live long --let's think about that a moment.  We may have, at one time, at least according to the Bible have lived for extremely long lengths of time.  (An interesting essay about this here.) But according to human archeology and current historical data, we humans seem to be really pushing it if we are able to live beyond 90s and to be truly in the miraculous-zone if we reach over 100-130 years.  There is a list of people in more "recent" terms who have lived up to 137 years of age.

That's a LOT of candles!!!

Long life implies wisdom since this would require skill to achieve.  Foolish people tend, in general, not to make it to long life.  Living long gets beyond the survivalism, materialism, competition and power-mongering.  At some point in a long life, one would come to a place of accepting yourself, of loving yourself and of contentment. At least, one would hope that is the case.  This would be one reason Native American cultures consider the Elders as wise people.

And to prosper...well, that is a loaded word for so many people.  Our mass consciousness seems to be about barely surviving, much less thriving.  To prosper means so many things beyond mere financial terms.  To prosper in creative endeavors.  To prosper in health. To prosper in love.  and yes, to prosper financially and live comfortably, being able to do what one wishes with ones time and resources and perhaps to help others to do so as well.  Yes please.  Sign me up.  I'm all for living long and prospering.  How about you?  Are you on board?  If so, then...engage.

(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Today is a day of gratitude and thanks. There is so much to be grateful for. Here is a SHORT list of what I am grateful for today:

Waking up

My heart beating
My body feeling good
Restful sleep
My sweetheart
My dog and cat and their unconditional love And all of the pets I’ve ever been so lucky to share life with
My home and all my furnishings, an abundance of clothes, shoes, and household goods.
Having plenty of food to eat and to share with others
Having plenty of clothing to keep me warm
Time to relax and play

My intelligence and my mind
My curiosity about the world and interest in continued learning and growth
Spiritual studies
Spiritual teachers

The ocean

The moon and stars
The sunshine
Vehicles that operate optimally
My employment, income and a great position 
and soooo much more. May you have a delightful, peaceful, and restful Thanksgiving day today.

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All photographs courtesy of Pixabay.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

And Now...

 I love studying metaphysic and am so grateful for the Science of Mind archives.  I've been reading the Creative Mind digital pages as they've been available.  I came across this gem and just felt it was perfect for the day and the moment that I got it.   I hope you will enjoy as much as I do.

No one has ever solved a problem by worrying about it. A repetition of negatives cannot create a positive. Yet, watch a worried person, and you will see him enmeshed in useless ideas that will have to be discarded before the solution appears. The past with its memory patterns is the millstone that hangs around the necks of most people. Jesus negated the past, affirmed the present in positive terms, and declared the future to be good. His way of thinking has improved the world. It can improve you. It is easy to think of the past, because it requires no new thinking. The ideas have already been alive once. But, to think ahead creatively requires your stepping out of accepted ideas. You have to make new friends in the realm of Mind. New ideas conceived guarantee new conditions to be perceived. Your immediate future is your present thinking made visible. You can only become what you now believe you are. Right thinking today about yourself is your only guarantee of right experience tomorrow. Affirm that you are a spiritual person receptive to God’s Ideas, and let Life bring to pass the good you need and seek. It will do just that. ~Raymond Charles Barker
(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Practice, Practice, Practice


I love to learn. I study and read regularly and I normally choose books and subjects that are uplifting or bring me back into spiritual alignment.  I recently took some spiritual classes that were very enlightening. And I am so grateful and excited about it I could burst.  I love learning, I love sharing what I am learning and I just love giving of myself in this way.

There are an unlimited number of possible places from which to learn, books to read, people to learn from.  I love using iTunes iUniversity. I listen to podcasts and I watch  YouTube, I have taken spiritual classes from many high quality Universities and teachers.

Growing up I thought I was going to be a nun.  However, as hormones and my attraction to boys arrived, I knew that would never work for me. Still I had such a deep drive to explore my spiritual self even as a young child that I could never ignore.  In my early teen years, my siblings teased me and called me a "Bible Thumper" as an epithet against me--although, to be honest, I don't think I ever quoted the Bible to them or preached at them or anything else.  I just tried very hard to do right and be good, kind and loving.

I believe both my grandmother and my mother were closet mystics--I say this because upon their deaths there were books and objects found in their belongings that led me to believe they each had a much richer spiritual experience than any of us were led to believe. And I also had some experiences related to their deaths which caused me to question much of what I had been taught about life, death and spirit.

My spiritual journey took me through many areas of interest from quantum physics and mechanics, to questions about life after death and reincarnation, to looking at many world religions to determine what was Truth.

I read a lot of different books and studied many things.  I eventually discovered Unity churches, and living very close to Unity Village I often went to the campus and prayed in the chapel--both the indoor chapel and the outdoor chapel without walls.  I felt and still feel  some inner spirit that is I but not I within me and I have always sensed this and had a deep sense of relationship with what I call I AM. 

I thought at one point I would be a Unity minister but it just never felt quite right and so I moved on in my explorations. After a traumatic life event, a friend of mine invited me to a Science of Mind center (NO, this is NOT Scientology).  The  teachings of Ernest Holmes profoundly affected my life and changed how I understand life,manifestation and creation.  It affected how I understand my role in creating my life. I have studied Science of Mind and Ernest Holmes' teachings for more than 25 years now and New Thought for over 40 years.

I was working on my business and every day seemed like I was walking in sludge or hitting a wall as things were taking forever to get to done or problems would crop up.  I knew that my focus was somewhere else. In a conversation with my sweetheart, he asked me what was wrong. Things in my business continued to go slowly and cause much frustration.  I knew that I was ready to put more into my spiritual practices daily and to share the teachings I learned and have gained over 30 years. This brought me to bringing forth to expand this website.

My heart sings with the knowledge that I am doing exactly what I am called and meant to do.  I don't know exactly the future here will develop into, but I do believe it is mine to do.  Today I am celebrating the first part of my journey's completion having been ordained as a minister.

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. All photographs courtesy Pixabay. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Word About Angels

 There is no human "proof" that angels exist.  They are in fact considered controversial at best and fantasy at worst by many people.  I would posit that angels, whatever they actually are or how they actually look--wings or no wings--must exist. Why would I say this?  Because there have been many experiences that have occurred to me or loved ones that fall into the category of celestial beings helping out.  But why should we believe that in an expanding universe that there would not be many beings that are interacting with us in ways we don't understand?  I believe that the Universe (and all the beings of light within it) are conspiring on my behalf to bring me the life and situations I have requested.  If you believe that thoughts are things and that belief is the fuel behind the cause, then you know that this, for me, is true.

(c) SZing 2015

I have had a number of angel interactions. Take for example the blizzardy winter day where I just "had" to get to the store to buy something because it was the only day I was going to have to do it. Despite my human angel friend Joan advising me against it, I set out on my way thinking that my 4 wheel drive truck would get me where I wanted to be and back home again without any problem. Ah, such is the arrogance of youth and inexperience.

As I drove the less than 5 miles to the store, tension quickly mounted as the roads I traveled were not only hilly but covered in ice.  Treacherous some would say.  As I turned up the road to get to the store, my vehicle lost traction--as did more than 20 other cars on the same road as evidenced by their topsy-turvy, skewed parking littering both sides of the road.

I turned to go into the parking lot, I slid--and as I slid, I saw the car headed toward me ALSO sliding. I closed my eyes and prayed for an angel to help me. I needed a miracle.  The next thing I knew I was stopped with my tires against the curb.  I saw more cars careening down the hill toward me and I knew right then that if I did not get my car off the road, it was going to be smashed to smithereens.  I tried to maneuver my car to the side street, only to begin sliding again...then I closed my eyes again and crying fervently said, "Please God, send me an angel."

The words were barely out of my mouth when there was a knock on my window.  The blond haired man standing there was wearing, I kid you not, a white sweater and white pants.  I opened the window and he said, "I'm going to push you to the side-street.  You just stay where you are and steer."  Okay.  And so we did and within moments my car was safely off the main road in an area where it would not be in danger of oncoming traffic.  And in just the amount of time it took for me to take off my seat belt, turn off the car, open the door and jump down, the man was gone.  I looked everywhere and he was no where to be seen.  Not up the street, not down, not in another car (there were, by that time, very few with anyone in them and no new ones moving.) What could I surmise but that my prayer had been answered with a physical manifestation of an angel at the exact moment that I needed one.

And there have been other experiences I've had and heard from friends about.  There are times when I "smell" an angel (no they don't smell like cookies to me like in the movie Michael, but more like a whiff of unfamiliar perfume)--sometimes I smell it in my car when I've been talking to my angels in a general way or if I ask for something specifically.  Other times, I'll have a thought or say something out loud and immediately smell the perfume.  It is almost familiar--I almost can place it, but then I realize I don't know what the smell is.  Sometimes it is a sort of rose fragrance mixed with something else.  Other times it sort of has hints of patchouli-esque fragrance...sometimes I can't place it at all.  No matter.  Just smelling these unfamiliar aromas reminds me that I am not alone, that I do in fact have guidance and support and that they are always with me (being, as I have come to believe, beings that can be in more than one place at a time).

I have taken to talking to my angels regularly, asking for advice and guidance and praying for their assistance with specific situations and events.  I don't get an answer in a voice form and sometimes I have no acknowledgement whatsoever.  Still, I just know that my angels are always looking out for me.  And I believe everyone has these beings also, whether or not you acknowledge or believe in them.

(C) 2020; SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved. Photos courtesy of Pixabay. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Let's Get (meta)Physical

I read a little something just about every day that is inspirational, educational, and spiritually keeps me on the path I most choose. Ernest Holmes' writings are some of my very favorite. Even though some of his ideas (table rapping for one) and his style of writing sometimes can be challenging, it is rare that his words do not give me reason to pause and consider my own life through his lens.

I love that the Science of Mind archives have his works available both in written form but also audio book. He had a lovely voice and cadence to his speaking that I like to listen to.

Here is an excerpt from December 5 1954--Creative Mind Magazine--I love this statement of Truth.  They are archiving all of the Creative Mind Magazines, which is truly a gift to the world.

courtesy Pixabay public domain images
MY PRESENT WORLD IS GOOD. “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise’ — L u k e 2 3 :4 3 . T h e u n i v e r s e bears witness of God. All things are created and maintained by God’s Mind, and that same Mind is in me.

I am one with the creative process. God uses me as a creative outlet through which to create new forms of good. My mind and heart are now open to new directions from the One Mind.

I follow through and give these Ideas form in my world. I let good happen through me. My mind is a center of Divine Activity. I now dedicate my thinking to Him who caused me to be. All the Power and all the Intelligence there is flows through my thinking. God’s action in me is my health, my peace of mind and my prosperity. Today, great changes for good appear in my world. There is nothing to fear.

Steadfastly thinking in terms of good, the desires of my heart are made manifest. I refuse to believe in failure, lack or disease. God, in my present world, is my deliverance from all evil. I rest in His perfect action this day.   ~ Raymond Charles Barker

(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Elevate the Vote


We are so fortunate in the USA to be a democracy. Although I think we can all admit that our current expression of that needs some serious tweaking including term limits for politicians and an end to career politicians, the make some adjustments requiring electoral collage votes reflect the will of the people and to put a stop to gerrymandering and add some checks on executive o so that the voice of the people is truly acted upon, and not over-ridden by political posturing...

Today is the election of one of two controversial people running in the history of America. The emotions are running high and strong throughout our nation and the world at what the results will be and the fall out from those results. Those of us who have the consciousness to do so are encouraging people to elevate the vote.  It's too late now for us to find and elect a more appropriate candidate, but that doesn't mean we have to lose our minds or our civility.  If you are unable to go to a polling place, there are people who are willing to drive others to the polls. Even though we have to socially distance and wear masks and be very careful to use sanitizer, going with another person can help to give you someone to hold your space in line for a bathroom break. Take snacks and water. The lines may be long. There may be people there who will try to stop you or intimidate you.  Be sure you know before you leave that you know where you’re supposed to go to the polls and whether you’re voting early, mailing in your ballot or voting on the day of the election, don’t let anyone intimidate you out of your right to vote or if you have some fear about doing so, mail your ballot and check that it was received and counted, then you can meditate  from your own home, holding the consciousness of Oneness

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Pictures from Pixabay public domain.