
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What Do You Choose?

Tomorrow starts a New Year. Even though every day can be a Do Over, in our culture we especially love to use the New Year as a reset day. So, the big question is:  What Do You Choose?  If you don't know what you want, it is difficult to bring that into manifestation.

One of the best ways to activate the quantum field or to activate your Vortex to use Abraham-Hicks terminology, is to daydream about things you want to see, do, be and experience. The more details you include, the better you feel about it, the faster you can manifest them.  When you gat an absolute clarity and knowing that it is so, don’t continue to work on creating but DO work on continuing to feel great and amazing about what you want in your life.  Remember, you can't create in someone else's world, only your own, so this is about what YOU want and what YOU choose for yourself. You can change your life by changing your thoughts and focus. Attention units can be re-routed to the things you choose.

Some people know what they don't want, but for some reason they don't know what they actually do want. Getting clear about what you don’t want can lead you to knowing what you do want.  It is worth taking the time to think about it and decide what you do want. No one else can decide for you. Take some time today to decide what you choose for your life. Set that intention every single day. You have the capacity within you to create what you want. The quantum field has every potential ready to receive your attention. Don’t put the brakes on. Instead, fly with joy and laughter toward that which your heart desires.

(c) 2020, SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixaby.