
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Give a Gift


Funny how holidays change over time.  I love Christmas in so many ways but I do find it slightly oppressive the amount of advertising, the frequency of advertising, the LOUDNESS of advertising that goes into trying to convince us of what to buy--and how much. 

There are many permutations of the idea of gift giving at Christmas including the various St. Nicholas stories.  But to me the most obvious is the gifts of the Three Wise Men.  They gave Gold, Frankencense and Myrhh.  They did not come laden with a cart full of toys. They did not arrive with the newest gadgets or household doo-dads.  They came with three items, one for each of them to give.  The gifts were symbolic.

Gold is the most pure metal and in some symbolic definitions, represents divinity.

Frankenscense is a fragrant resin that is burned. It was burned as an offering to God and could be representative of the sacrifice that would come later.

Myrrh is a spice that is used in wines to cause pain relief or "stupor" and was referred to by Matthew in the Bible as "gall" which was given to Jesus prior to his crucifixion.  It also was a spice that was commonly used in the process of embalming to help overcome the stench from putrifaction as the body decays. It is thought that it was among the gifts given to Jesus as a symbol of the pain and suffering he would endure as well as a foreshadowing of his death.

I recently was asked for my Christmas wishlist.  It is a very short list. I have so many good things in my life that I really need very little.  A couple pairs of pajamas.   There are a couple of gadgets I'd like to replace as the ones I have are not functioning well.  Other than that, not really so much.  I actually would rather just enjoy the time spent with family and friends--having a good meal, playing board games and laughing, watching movies, or driving around oohing and ahhhing over the beautiful Christmas light displays. 

One of my very favorite holiday songs is The Little Drummer Boy. He asks, "What shall I give, poor as I am?" and proceeds to play his drum.  How about if we give of ourselves--our talents, our gifts, what makes us unique and wonderful rather than spending a load of money on stuff nobody really needs, wants or actually has room for.

Tis the Season to be jolly. To give gifts--something meaningful and that brings more joy to life. To give to others who are in need. To provide light wherever it is possible to do so.
(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.