
Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Perfect Storm

 The USA is a nation divided right now. The election results have shown that clearly in a visceral and undeniable way.  It is my belief that it would not have mattered which candidate won the election--the other side would be protesting and upset. But this is not a surprise. 

If you have been paying any attention to what is going on all over our nation for many years, and especially in the past 12 months, you know that just about every group possible is upset...African Americans, LGBTQ+, Women, people who believe in the right to own arms, Native Americans, Police, Latinos/Hispanics, Disabled persons, and those are just the ones getting press.  I would guess it is fair to say that just about every person, in every state of our nation has some area of interest where they feel disenfranchised. Yes, even white men. God created a wonderous variety.

The fact that the elections were so divided, that our Senate and Congress members are as split in a visual proof of this division in our country that it cannot be ignored. What I know is that what shows up in our world is a direct correlation to what is happening in our consciousness.  If I am against someone, it's gonna show up in my world.

I call this the Perfect Storm. For what?  For Americans to stop sitting by passively and feeling victimized. I understand the high emotion that is driving protests. Now my thought is move on. Make a plan for how you can take positive action to counter whatever area you are fearful will be dismantled. Can you pull together with specific steps within the law to have our voices heard, acknowledged and acted upon? If money and PACs is how you feel politicians hear, then put them together. Protesting is only going to take it so far and eventually will cause destruction (as it already is) and close ears and minds and cause further polarization. Knee jerk reactions like "let's secede" is really not a solution and more of a problem.

It does not take 100% to effect a change.  It only take 51% to tip the balance.  We are on a tipping point of a major evolution in how we are as a nation and a people. We are at that point of evolution in our consciousness toward a world which works for everyone.  More prayer has gone on this past year than I believe has been done since 9/11.  That is a powerful force which brings us together.  God knows how to launder prayer requests to find the Truth and bring it forth.  What we all want is joy, life, health, thriving, peace, freedom...Keep praying!

The question is...who is willing to meet with and try to understand the point of view of those they oppose? Are you? I am. What do you want? I want to be able to practise my religious beliefs freely, I want to love who I love freely, I want to express myself (so long as I am not maliciously damaging or hurting others) freely.  I want to thrive and prosper.  Do you want to argue and make people wrong for their beliefs or do you want to find a way for us to live together, respectfully allowing people to live their own lives and believe what they choose? Are you hating or loving? Are you building or destroying?

Make productive plans, run for office, yes be passionate but channel it in a way that effectively can bring about the growth we need. I believe in our country and all of our rights. There are so many areas we are divided as a nation and this is the perfect time to bring awareness to a higher level, but to effect change does NOT require us to destroy our cities or each other. There are many ways for us to come together.  We must STOP already with the name calling and immature behavior. STOP already with the blaming and the shaming on ALL sides.

Talking about the differences in our country can help heal if, IF, people can come to the table with open ears, minds, and hearts. The race was split so either way half of the country would not feel their votes mattered. If we as a people do not like the electoral college then we as a people must take legal action to change it. Same with term limits for professional politicians. This is the best system we have figured out SO FAR but that doesn't mean there is not a better way for us to do this.

It is not an answer to give up and go no further to create effective change. Protesting is one way to voice things but often leads to further dividing us and causing damage to each other and our cities, so it may not be the most effective method either.  Talking about our difference is difficult. It can cause pain and upset. But we are a smart nation of people and we can sit down like adults and talk to each other. Put down the cell phones and lets see each other, acknowledge our differences and celebrate where we agree.  It really IS okay for us to have differences. And we can do that and still respect and love each other. Hatred is not the way to Life.

Yes. I am on board for actively conversing, trying to peacefully effect changes and demand term limits, change the electoral college method of elections, uphold ALL of our rights and continue to demand our rights so that people can get a fair wage, love who they want to love without fear, and be who they are called to be, and to help to define and mold a new way of operating that will help us grow and thrive in ALL ways. We cannot go backwards and I do not believe that we will allow fact, I don't really think that there is a way for that to happen. It pains me to see our country divided but I also know this is the ripe time to open conversation.

If what I see or experience in my world isn’t what I want to see or experience and it doesn’t feel good to me, then I must raise my thoughts to a better experience and feeling. If it is in my world, then I must acknowledge that my consciousness has contributed to the mess. And it is my, and each of us, our own responsibility to clean up our thoughts. We have to clean up our feelings. We have to clean up our consciousness. Pray, meditate, and find ways to move from low level, root chakra emotions and feel love, joy, bliss. Look at the world of beauty and it will be beautiful. See a world of Divine justice and it will be. We are the co-creators of our experiences.

As a spiritual leader, I have a responsibility to create a place of peaceful conversation and to hold the highest and best vision of a healed and whole America.  I have a spiritual belief that we are all One, we are all connected and what one does to the other affects all.  We do need to unify on all levels and allow each person the space to be who they are meant to be. I have faith that God is all powerful, all knowing and ever present. My God does not make mistakes, so I know that even if or when I cannot understand some of what I see happening, I know that it is designed to move my soul to a higher acceptance of love.  Tragedies bring us together. Tragedies traditionally have brought us to an evolution of our consciousness of love.  I believe that this is the silver lining of this situation...through conversation, through peaceful action, we have the opportunity to effect an evolution of our nation in all ways. God Bless America--whichever definition of God you follow. God Bless America and Peace Be To You.

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain images.