
Thursday, December 31, 2020

A Fresh Start


I have always loved the way that line dried laundry smells after being sun soaked and breeze dried. Something about that smell always reminds me of the ritual of cleansing and fresh starts.

Over a year so much can be accumulated.  And while this not only includes material goods, it also can be mental attitudes and behaviors, an accumulation of negative emotions or memories from events throughout the previous year and how people behave, it can also be about the glut of "shoulds," "have tos" and expectations we place upon ourselves or allow others to place upon us. 

The New Year is a good time to shed the old, unnecessary, bulky, no longer useful and downright harmful or toxic "stuff" from our lives--material goods, habits and thoughts, and even people. We are not meant to walk the Good Red Road with every single person we come into contact with or even carry friendships for the entirety of a lifetime.  Some people are meant to come into our life for short spans of time. Usually these people have something to teach us about ourselves--whether that is a reminder to listen to our instincts when it comes to someones behavior not aligning, some way of reminding us to ask the questions about what we want and choose to have in our lives, or whether it is showing us a way we do not want to embrace or be a part of anymore. Letting go can be easy and does not have to be a blood letting. It does not have to destroy lives or harm others. It can be as simple as walking away and choosing no further response. Some people don't deserve another moment of attention or energy. It is best to turn away from those people and focus attention on what you do want in friendships.

I love the idea of purging my home of stuff I don't need and I usually do this several times a year.  I recently got rid of a bunch of clothes from my closet that I never really wear. It made my closet feel cleaner. I am able to focus on the clothes I do actually love to wear. Sometimes it means going through my books and releasing those that I have had for years with the intention of reading yet have never cracked open. The chances that I'm going to seem slim and there is always someone else who may want to read those books. If at some later time I feel like I have to read a book I've let go of...I can always buy it again!!

Sometimes this Fresh Start means reassessing where we thought we were headed only to discover that an alternate route has been placed in our way or that the path we were on is blocked.  Rather than putting enormous amounts of energy into removing the obstacles, it can be a wise choice to determine if this is a 'god wink' telling us that there is something else, something more, for us to do and a different way for that to occur.

I recently thought that I was about done with being a full time artist, only to have several people request custom work from me, to be sought after for some teaching opportunities and to have a renewed interest in several of the mediums I work in.  That creative process just was dormant and needed rejuvenation.

I recently thought that I was on a particular path, only to discover that what I thought the path was about and the way I thought people were was completely false--showing me what I do not want to be and how I do not want to treat people. The good news is that it reaffirmed my most fundamental beliefs and helped me come to the conclusion that those people were not in alignment with the beliefs they say they teach and preach. If there cannot even be conversation because the lines are cut off, someone has predetermined the answers or will not hear a concern or have a diametrically opposed belief, then it is time to leave that hypocritical arena completely. Sometimes relationships just cannot be "healed" because the paths fork into different directions with an ever widening gap of differences. Yes, Forgiveforgiveforgive. A hundred times forgiveness--every day forgiveness and letting go.  No, don't stay where it is mental, emotional or physical abuse. Don't let anyone use you as their punching bag, to shore themselves up, or to make themselves feel justified in their judgmental words or actions and their own insecurities. When you backtrack into the past, your energy gets sucked into re-creating old patterns or situations. You don’t need to go back and dissect your past at all, ever!!!  Unless you want to go back where you were instead into new creations. In fact, it is counter productive to slog through the past. Tearing open healed wounds is not smart and it certainly is not healing.

When something becomes heavy, a burden, or one where I wake up and say, "UGH. I don't want to do XYZ or go to XYZ" that is not just a god-wink but a god-thump to say, uh uh, that is not for you. All we choose to do can be done with joy. Even chores. I often truly enjoy the process of cleaning house, doing the dishes, and taking care of the yard. It makes me happy to do them, even though they are "chores." 

If someone is using you, is putting you down, manipulating you, expecting you to do something because they want you to, even if it does not fit with your beliefs, can't hear honest criticism or concerns or are allowing manipulative and jealous gossips to whisper in their ears, those people are not your tribe.  Do not expend more energy around people who suck the life out of you, who are constantly needy, who are never healed, who are jealous, angry (to the point of enraged at life, everyone and everything and spew it everywhere) or who feel like you have to fit into their program even if that isn't what your soul tells you is best for you. 

A sure sign of someone playing you is their constant and excessive need to have you put your attention on them and their problems. Someone who texts you every day many times a day with the same old whining, someone who plays both sides and then throws others under the bus, someone who plays the victim incessantly in scenario after scenario in their life--that is the master manipulator.They can self-destruct perfectly fine without your having to be involved in their world. That is their path. Forgiving self, forgiving them and moving on is the best possible way to achieve a fresh start.  Immaculate self care is also called for in the process of Fresh Starts.

Fresh Starts are an adventure of discovery. Reassessment can be a fun and interesting process. I happen to be someone who likes brain storming, mind mapping and making lists. I am about to embark on several endeavors to help me more closely define my life plan so that what I choose is more truly in alignment with my beliefs, my talents and skills, and which ultimately brings more joy to myself and others. Reassessment can show you new ways to do things. It can reveal new resources to help you accomplish more that you thought you were going to through the old way. It gives you back your sense of self and purpose.

I love fresh air dried laundry and the New Year is the perfect time for a Fresh Start.  I begin, as always with the questions:  What do I want? What do I choose?  Then I go from there to bring that into fruition. What areas of your life need a Fresh Start?  Today is a new day and a fresh start. You are here, now. Focus on what you are creating now.

(c) 2021, SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What Do You Choose?

Tomorrow starts a New Year. Even though every day can be a Do Over, in our culture we especially love to use the New Year as a reset day. So, the big question is:  What Do You Choose?  If you don't know what you want, it is difficult to bring that into manifestation.

One of the best ways to activate the quantum field or to activate your Vortex to use Abraham-Hicks terminology, is to daydream about things you want to see, do, be and experience. The more details you include, the better you feel about it, the faster you can manifest them.  When you gat an absolute clarity and knowing that it is so, don’t continue to work on creating but DO work on continuing to feel great and amazing about what you want in your life.  Remember, you can't create in someone else's world, only your own, so this is about what YOU want and what YOU choose for yourself. You can change your life by changing your thoughts and focus. Attention units can be re-routed to the things you choose.

Some people know what they don't want, but for some reason they don't know what they actually do want. Getting clear about what you don’t want can lead you to knowing what you do want.  It is worth taking the time to think about it and decide what you do want. No one else can decide for you. Take some time today to decide what you choose for your life. Set that intention every single day. You have the capacity within you to create what you want. The quantum field has every potential ready to receive your attention. Don’t put the brakes on. Instead, fly with joy and laughter toward that which your heart desires.

(c) 2020, SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixaby.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

To Resolve or Not To Resolve

It’s almost the start of a New Year and time to decide whether to resolve or not to resolve...Resolutions are tricky things for most people.  Since it is proven that a habit takes at least 21 days to be formed, it appears that human beings have a difficult time committing themselves to doing the same thing over and over for 21 days...thus resolutions get broken. it really difficult for us to form a habit or is there something more at work in this process?  We are certainly able to form the habits of daily hygiene, most of us have some sort of eating rituals we do daily, many of us have a routine for getting ready for bed or getting ready for the next day...

Could it be that resolutions fail because we choose goals that are either not realistic or which...we cannot truly commit to because we are picking them for wrong reasons--like...someone else would like us to do the thing, we think we "should" do the thing, we think we want the thing but we have conflicting emotions or beliefs about having or doing the thing?  Yes, there is definitely more to resolutions than meets the eye.

Also, let us look at the idea of commitment.  When you make a New Year's resolution you are, in essence, setting yourself to commit for the entire year.  Now for many people, that is no big deal.  But if we look at our current culture's short attention spans and focus on...squirrel...well, you know, committing to a year of doing the same thing just about seems like total tedium and we quit after a short while, usually before we even get to 21 days but sometimes after that because...we get bored.

If a resolution is going to be put in place, perhaps it should be one that is fluid and flexible.  Like, "I resolve to check in with myself every day to see if there is something healthy I want or need to do." Or "I resolve to revisit my goals every week to see if they are still things I am passionate about and I give myself permission to alter them if I choose."

I do know that writing goals down does in fact help to achieve them because it keeps them in your focus--so long as you revisit them regularly.  But I also know that making goals that are unreachable or inflexible is a resolution killer.

A current trend is to choose a word that you want to build your life around for the year like "joy" or "health" or "love."  And this can work too.  It really doesn't matter whether you do or do not make a resolution because lets face it, each day you are alive is going to be different from the last. You aren't going to be in the same place tomorrow that you are today--at least not in many respects.  As John Travolta's character George O'Malley in the movie "Phenomenon" said, "Everything is on its way to somewhere."

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas

Listen to some holiday songs, spend time with those you love, relax and feel the joy of this season, open some presents, give some presents, eat yummy food, nap, play some games, take a walk and celebrate that you are alive. 

Merriest of Christmases to you and yours. May the Spirit of Christ fill your Life now and always.

(c) 2020, SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

May You Have Peace

 On this Christmas Eve, may you find the Peace of Christ in your heart, mind and soul and may you show it forth in the world in the coming year. Much love to you now and always!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

More On Gifts


Since we are in the Season of Holidays--with many different groups celebrating different holidays--the giving of gifts is a big part of the Season and celebration.

In the past few years, I have rarely purchased any gifts to give.  As an artist, I often have many pieces that are ready to find a new home and I have frequently given away items I have made to those I care about as gifts.  There is a greater sense of intimacy and care in giving a homemade gift than there is with one purchased.  I take great care in trying to choose the right colors, the right designs, the right style for those to whom I give gifts.  I want them to use and enjoy the items they receive and I hope that the care I've taken in choosing their gift somehow conveys to them how much they mean to me. 

It is always sad when a gift is given but not fully received.  I knew one woman who would take items people had given that she didn't like and she would toss them away or take them to a thrift store.  She was careless with the gifts people gave.  If those who gave them had ever found out what she did, I am certain she would have been offered no more gifts by those people. She claimed she was always receiving the gifts, but I don't believe that just because she took the gifts meant that she received the gift. She was so careless about what she did with the items given to her--and I know in several instances, the gifts given were done so at some hardship financially to the giver--but because they (perhaps in error) held this woman in high esteem, they wanted to honor her.

To receive a gift is something that is not always easy for people--especially if they feel they are very independent or have been taught to do things for themselves.  To receive a gift for some people is a challenge because they do not feel worthy.  I recently worked with a person who had such serious self-worth issues that a complement of any sort could not even be received and would cause floods of tears and eventually were rejected completely because this person felt so worthless they could not receive--never mind offering any other types of gifts which were rejected out of hand.

The act of giving a gift and receiving is a precious part of prosperous living and thriving. We must be both willing to accept gifts given and to be a good steward with those gifts, as well as to be willing to give of our gifts to others.  It is not unlike an electrical circuitry--the cycle has to be completed in order for truly prosperous consciousness to exist.

Today I am working on some of the gifts that I will be giving and am mindful as I make them of the love and joy that the person receiving them has given to me in my life already. I try to infuse my gratitude and love for them into the creation process, hoping that upon receiving the gifts, they will sense and know how much they are loved and valued by me.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Give a Gift


Funny how holidays change over time.  I love Christmas in so many ways but I do find it slightly oppressive the amount of advertising, the frequency of advertising, the LOUDNESS of advertising that goes into trying to convince us of what to buy--and how much. 

There are many permutations of the idea of gift giving at Christmas including the various St. Nicholas stories.  But to me the most obvious is the gifts of the Three Wise Men.  They gave Gold, Frankencense and Myrhh.  They did not come laden with a cart full of toys. They did not arrive with the newest gadgets or household doo-dads.  They came with three items, one for each of them to give.  The gifts were symbolic.

Gold is the most pure metal and in some symbolic definitions, represents divinity.

Frankenscense is a fragrant resin that is burned. It was burned as an offering to God and could be representative of the sacrifice that would come later.

Myrrh is a spice that is used in wines to cause pain relief or "stupor" and was referred to by Matthew in the Bible as "gall" which was given to Jesus prior to his crucifixion.  It also was a spice that was commonly used in the process of embalming to help overcome the stench from putrifaction as the body decays. It is thought that it was among the gifts given to Jesus as a symbol of the pain and suffering he would endure as well as a foreshadowing of his death.

I recently was asked for my Christmas wishlist.  It is a very short list. I have so many good things in my life that I really need very little.  A couple pairs of pajamas.   There are a couple of gadgets I'd like to replace as the ones I have are not functioning well.  Other than that, not really so much.  I actually would rather just enjoy the time spent with family and friends--having a good meal, playing board games and laughing, watching movies, or driving around oohing and ahhhing over the beautiful Christmas light displays. 

One of my very favorite holiday songs is The Little Drummer Boy. He asks, "What shall I give, poor as I am?" and proceeds to play his drum.  How about if we give of ourselves--our talents, our gifts, what makes us unique and wonderful rather than spending a load of money on stuff nobody really needs, wants or actually has room for.

Tis the Season to be jolly. To give gifts--something meaningful and that brings more joy to life. To give to others who are in need. To provide light wherever it is possible to do so.
(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Finding the Reason

This month of December is one that is filled with holiday reminders.  There are in fact at least 9 different spiritual/religious holidays that are celebrated in this month alone.  I celebrate Christmas.  But what and how I celebrate has changed over the years. 

I absolutely believe in Christ. And I love the Biblical stories surrounding the Christed child's birth. Yet I know that powerful men in both religious and political arenas have altered the dates, the stories and the circumstances to meet their own agendas. That's okay. Really, it doesn't require an exact date in order to find a way to celebrate and honor the Christ. 

When I was a child, everything about preparing for Christmas was magical.  I loved helping to put the Christmas tree up and see the lovely twinkly lights. I loved getting each ornament out and enjoying the stories about where they came from and how they came to be part of our family's tradition. I loved the taste of eggnog on Christmas Eve. I loved making candies and cookies and the smell of baking. I loved choosing or making presents for my family that I hoped would bring them happiness and joy. I loved the bright and shiny wrapping paper and the Christmas cards in the mail.

But as I have grown up, some of the magic has gone. I don't live in a place where it gets very cold (which most of the time is a good thing) so there is no crisp air and barring a miracle (which I do believe in) it'd be a stretch to wake up to a white Christmas.  I don't get as excited about the Christmas tree...who knew doing it almost entirely by one's self (my sweetie puts the actual tree up and the ornaments on the top layer I can't reach) might not bring as much joy as it used to--especially when you now have many ornaments.  I don't bake as much--trying to be healthy and mindful of glutens and sugars you know.

There are times during the holiday season when I am melancholy.  There are many people I loved who have passed away over the years and I miss very much. The weather makes it a challenge for me to feel festive--its been in the low 80s. And there are changes in my belief system that have eliminated much of the ritual aspects that I truly loved and felt lifted by.  So, sometimes, meh.

But last night I combatted this melancholia a bit by taking some time to turn off all of the lights in the house except those on the Christmas tree.  I sat back, as I used to as a child, and just allowed myself to enjoy the beauty of the twinkle lights and the shiny ornaments reflecting their light. I took some time to think about happy memories from my childhood--baking Potica with my mom, the "do not eat til Christmas" signs my sisters and I posted on the baked goods to try to preserve a few of them until "the day"--which became a running joke for my long suffering father, who as King of the household just had to taste test each treat (multiple times) before "the day."  

My Grammy, who was so sweet and kind, who used to sit in the kitchen and chat with us while we made Christmas dinner. The long Christmas dinners full of jokes, stories, and good food.  And remembering the church ceremonies I used to attend where I felt such wonder, such hope, such joy as we sang traditional hymns and I looked at the towering tree filled with white twinkle lights.  In remembering I was able to recapture some of the enchantment of the season.  I'm going to focus on this a little bit each day and really be mindful of what it means for the Christ to come to the people of the Earth. Lord knows, we need it now more than ever. 

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. All photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain images. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Building Spiritual Muscles

I've been studying New Thought for almost 35 years and that was after almost 21 years of a very spiritual life as a Catholic.  As a young girl I had plans along with my best friend Teresa to become a nun.   I have studied a great deal of New Thought work from Ernest HolmesCharles FillmoreThomas Troward, even Phineas P. Quimby (I found his work VERY difficult to read due to his limited education and the archaic language of the late 1800s.)

Perhaps I could be considered a transcendentalist--which might explain my deep appreciation of "The Concord Bunch" (and no, they aren't grapes!)--Louisa May Alcott, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson and more of the literati from Concord, MA, in the 1800s who subscribed to transcendentalism and would now very likely be considered New Thought Practitioners.

All Seeing Angel, (c) SZing, 2014
Used by permission.

Despite these many years of practice and exposure to many different amazing tools and methods, I have not yet perfected my ability to create flawlessly exactly what I want nor am I content that I am spiritually "done."  I still have competing beliefs that interrupt and derail some of my most closely held desires. But I practice every day in my spiritual beliefs and daily attempt to focus on taking the high road. Trust me, this is not always easy even after all these years--there are certain types of behaviors and people that still throw me into what I call my neanderthal mode which is as far from my spiritual preference as can be.

A spiritual practice, as with art, requires showing up.  To take five minutes to meditate clears the mind.  Practice is to take five minutes to visualize helps remove obstacles.  To say, write or even just think a prayer treatment is practice.  You don't have to give up all your worldly goods and go to a mountain to live a spiritual life.

I'll probably refer to this numerous times but when I was a young girl my mother and father took a transcendental meditation course.  One of the things they brought home was a cassette tape (for those of you not familiar with this antiquity, it's a recording such as one might find on a mp3 or CD.) This cassette tape was the audio book of Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.  I have literally listened to this audio book hundreds of times since I was about 12 years old.  It never ceases to inspire me.  I learn new things and take away a new perspective each and every time.  It is one of THE most significant pieces of my spiritual toolbox and also one of the most precious.  In it, Jonathan and his teachers discuss the importance of practice.  If you are just beginning your spiritual exploration, this is one good place to start. #dailyspiritualpractice #spiritual exploration #newthought #spiritualcreator

Do YOU have some area of your life where you would like spiritual support?  Please submit your prayer request and I will add you to my daily prayer treatments!

(C) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. Photos courtesy of Pixabay. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Perfect Storm

 The USA is a nation divided right now. The election results have shown that clearly in a visceral and undeniable way.  It is my belief that it would not have mattered which candidate won the election--the other side would be protesting and upset. But this is not a surprise. 

If you have been paying any attention to what is going on all over our nation for many years, and especially in the past 12 months, you know that just about every group possible is upset...African Americans, LGBTQ+, Women, people who believe in the right to own arms, Native Americans, Police, Latinos/Hispanics, Disabled persons, and those are just the ones getting press.  I would guess it is fair to say that just about every person, in every state of our nation has some area of interest where they feel disenfranchised. Yes, even white men. God created a wonderous variety.

The fact that the elections were so divided, that our Senate and Congress members are as split in a visual proof of this division in our country that it cannot be ignored. What I know is that what shows up in our world is a direct correlation to what is happening in our consciousness.  If I am against someone, it's gonna show up in my world.

I call this the Perfect Storm. For what?  For Americans to stop sitting by passively and feeling victimized. I understand the high emotion that is driving protests. Now my thought is move on. Make a plan for how you can take positive action to counter whatever area you are fearful will be dismantled. Can you pull together with specific steps within the law to have our voices heard, acknowledged and acted upon? If money and PACs is how you feel politicians hear, then put them together. Protesting is only going to take it so far and eventually will cause destruction (as it already is) and close ears and minds and cause further polarization. Knee jerk reactions like "let's secede" is really not a solution and more of a problem.

It does not take 100% to effect a change.  It only take 51% to tip the balance.  We are on a tipping point of a major evolution in how we are as a nation and a people. We are at that point of evolution in our consciousness toward a world which works for everyone.  More prayer has gone on this past year than I believe has been done since 9/11.  That is a powerful force which brings us together.  God knows how to launder prayer requests to find the Truth and bring it forth.  What we all want is joy, life, health, thriving, peace, freedom...Keep praying!

The question is...who is willing to meet with and try to understand the point of view of those they oppose? Are you? I am. What do you want? I want to be able to practise my religious beliefs freely, I want to love who I love freely, I want to express myself (so long as I am not maliciously damaging or hurting others) freely.  I want to thrive and prosper.  Do you want to argue and make people wrong for their beliefs or do you want to find a way for us to live together, respectfully allowing people to live their own lives and believe what they choose? Are you hating or loving? Are you building or destroying?

Make productive plans, run for office, yes be passionate but channel it in a way that effectively can bring about the growth we need. I believe in our country and all of our rights. There are so many areas we are divided as a nation and this is the perfect time to bring awareness to a higher level, but to effect change does NOT require us to destroy our cities or each other. There are many ways for us to come together.  We must STOP already with the name calling and immature behavior. STOP already with the blaming and the shaming on ALL sides.

Talking about the differences in our country can help heal if, IF, people can come to the table with open ears, minds, and hearts. The race was split so either way half of the country would not feel their votes mattered. If we as a people do not like the electoral college then we as a people must take legal action to change it. Same with term limits for professional politicians. This is the best system we have figured out SO FAR but that doesn't mean there is not a better way for us to do this.

It is not an answer to give up and go no further to create effective change. Protesting is one way to voice things but often leads to further dividing us and causing damage to each other and our cities, so it may not be the most effective method either.  Talking about our difference is difficult. It can cause pain and upset. But we are a smart nation of people and we can sit down like adults and talk to each other. Put down the cell phones and lets see each other, acknowledge our differences and celebrate where we agree.  It really IS okay for us to have differences. And we can do that and still respect and love each other. Hatred is not the way to Life.

Yes. I am on board for actively conversing, trying to peacefully effect changes and demand term limits, change the electoral college method of elections, uphold ALL of our rights and continue to demand our rights so that people can get a fair wage, love who they want to love without fear, and be who they are called to be, and to help to define and mold a new way of operating that will help us grow and thrive in ALL ways. We cannot go backwards and I do not believe that we will allow fact, I don't really think that there is a way for that to happen. It pains me to see our country divided but I also know this is the ripe time to open conversation.

If what I see or experience in my world isn’t what I want to see or experience and it doesn’t feel good to me, then I must raise my thoughts to a better experience and feeling. If it is in my world, then I must acknowledge that my consciousness has contributed to the mess. And it is my, and each of us, our own responsibility to clean up our thoughts. We have to clean up our feelings. We have to clean up our consciousness. Pray, meditate, and find ways to move from low level, root chakra emotions and feel love, joy, bliss. Look at the world of beauty and it will be beautiful. See a world of Divine justice and it will be. We are the co-creators of our experiences.

As a spiritual leader, I have a responsibility to create a place of peaceful conversation and to hold the highest and best vision of a healed and whole America.  I have a spiritual belief that we are all One, we are all connected and what one does to the other affects all.  We do need to unify on all levels and allow each person the space to be who they are meant to be. I have faith that God is all powerful, all knowing and ever present. My God does not make mistakes, so I know that even if or when I cannot understand some of what I see happening, I know that it is designed to move my soul to a higher acceptance of love.  Tragedies bring us together. Tragedies traditionally have brought us to an evolution of our consciousness of love.  I believe that this is the silver lining of this situation...through conversation, through peaceful action, we have the opportunity to effect an evolution of our nation in all ways. God Bless America--whichever definition of God you follow. God Bless America and Peace Be To You.

(c) 2020 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain images.