
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Who Are You?

You get to decide who you are.  No one else can tell you, even if they think they know.  No one can define your life for you.  You get to decide what is important to you. You get to choose the dreams and goals you have.  You get to choose which details you want to include and add to with your self improvements and changes.

Who do you want to be?  If your existing story doesn't match with where you want to be or how you want to be viewed, then you DO get to change it.  If it feels weird at first, start with small details.

If a relationship did not turn out the way you wanted, you can literally rewrite the ending.  That doesn't mean you deny whatever the facts are.  It means that whatever the facts are you can choose to change how you respond or react to them.

In order to create the you who you want to be, you can practice.  You didn't learn to walk or talk in one shot and revising your perception of yourself is the same.  In fact, it may take more practice than you think because you've probably used the same story over and over for months, maybe even years. If you can't quite get your mind to switch from the old story, again, try writing your new story down. Read it in the morning when you wake up, read it as you get dressed, read it looking in the mirror (lots of times), read it anytime you have a chance until you no longer have to read it, and eventually you won't have to even think about it because it will have become your new story.

Remember, no story is who you are. A story is a story.  YOU are you.  The story is extraneous.

It all comes down to who you want to be, how you want to be and committing to the change to becoming that person.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved.  Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain images.