
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Allowing the Void

It is a common situation that humans lose their faith at some point in their lives. Some people lose faith more than once and others lose it daily.

When the things that we hold dear are threatened or destroyed, one natural response is to become disoriented or depressed as a result.  To lose faith in self, others, society, life, or even God is a conundrum that occurs for most people at some point in life.

There does not seem to be a quick fix for this.  And it even can sometimes take a while before that uneasy, off-kilter feeling is actually identified for what it is...the loss of faith.  It goes hand in hand with a loss of hope in  many instances.  Many of my artist and LGBT friends are going through this now as they see the transition of power at the Capitol of our country.

Others have lost faith in the things they held dear as over time things have not worked out the way they thought they would or the way they hoped that they would. There comes a time in every person's life where some of the things that were once dreamt of have to be quietly put away as the dreams that they are where they will not become reality.  That day is a very difficult time, no matter what the dream is that has to be let go.  And it is often a trigger for losing faith.

I recently had a situation occur where I thought I was going to be focusing the rest of my life in one direction, only to have that completely change in the blink of an eye.  It wasn't really anything I foresaw and the change was not really something I had much control over--it was a series of events by others that impacted my life--as can happen with a death of a loved one or a change in direction.

I have been trying to redefine what it is that my life focus will now be about that has meaning for me. The changes impacted my spiritual faith as well and I have had to release some of the ideas I had held for a long while realizing that they were not True or Truth.  I have spent several months redefining what my belief in God and my spiritual life actually look like as I realized that what I used to believe no longer works for me.

Rather than jumping in headfirst or overwhelming myself with loads of possibilities to replace that void, and there is a large void for me to examine and redefine, I am choosing to take my time.  I sit with the feelings and unknowingness I now have a bit each day and allow myself to feel that void. I know that I have lost a piece of my faith although at an underlying level I know that I have lost nothing. I know that the outward picture of what it looks like for me has changed and now I am sitting and allowing the new definition and a new awareness to come to me of what the next level of my spiritual life and my faith looks and feels like in my life as I move forward. I don't have the answers to that yet, but I am learning each day to allow, and rather than searching relentlessly, I am quiet and in a place of allowing. Allowing.  It is not my most native state, but it is sculpting what the next stage and state of my life will be.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.