
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Allow Creative Solutions

We get stuck. Our thoughts get into a pattern and in fact, our actual mind gets into patterns. Our neurons fire in the same pattern as we think over and over.  In order to get a different result, it is said that we must come to the "problem" from a different level of thinking.  This means we must retrain our thoughts to fire in a different way.  We have to disrupt the synapses. This is the basis of Neuro Linguistic Programming--an interrupt pattern process.  It is the same advice that Ernest Holmes writes about when he says to turn away from the condition and the same idea that Abraham Hicks discusses on a consistent basis.

It isn't always easy to stop thinking a certain way and allow new thoughts or ideas to come in. We first have to be willing to allow the idea that there might be another way to think, do or act. We have to be willing. To Allow.  Allowing is not easy for many people, especially in Western culture where we are taught to man-handle all situations and overcome all problems.  Some problems or challenges can't be mowed through, they can't be over powered to change.  Some challenges require a different response, a different way of acting or being. They require creative solutions.

How then do we come to creative solutions? Practice. Meditation or quieting the mind is one of the first steps. A consistent and specific commitment to allow new thinking or creativity to flourish is required. (Willingness is not willing in the sense of forcing.)  And then we have to be open to new ideas--how does one come up with new ideas?

Combine different ideas together, think of the solution as another (or many different people) might view it--even your "adversaries."  Allow yourself to consider it from a different viewpoint or timeline. Try to see it from a different industries methodology or from someone of a different age group or even from a different timeline/era.  These are all good starts.  Don't force. Don't jump on the first thought that comes and abandon any other new thoughts that might come. Brainstorming requires the space for many possibilities.  Since we live in an unlimited Cosmos, allowing for a dozen or two ideas is not a huge amount.  Don't be impatient.

When we are in pain, upset or challenge, we want it to go away.  But I would subscribe to the concept that in order to get through the fire, you have to go through the fire.  While there certainly are ways around the fire, those don't give you the experience so that you don't have to go through the fire again, so you might as well go through it.  Does this mean wallow?  Certainly not. But it does mean we have to acknowledge we are in a difficult place. We have to feel the feelings, good, bad or ugly. We have to know that there is something not quite working out the way we want before we can make any attempt at finding a creative solution.

Whatever the matter is, no matter the problem, there are multiple solutions and creativity is the way to find one or more that works.  When a business fails, many people go right back into a new business. They don't slink away and give up.  They find a new way.  This is true for all things.  If a relationship isn't working, try a new way. If that doesn't work, try another method. Keep trying.  But it is okay to take a rest in between attempts to build up your stamina and your psyche.  If you can't lose weight or you are experiencing health challenges, try the next thing. If it doesn't work, go to plan b.

There is nothing that limits the number of alternative plans we can attempt.  Just because you don't hear people talking about plan zba, doesn't mean you can't have that many (or more).  The best way to allow creative solutions is to be aware. To allow and observe. To try one thing at a time and like a scientist, note what worked and what didn't. Then try again.  Eventually, the light bulb will go on.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.