
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Spread the Joy

The holiday season is one that often includes a lot of beauty and joy--especially the joy of giving and sharing. But the holiday season is not the only time we can do this.  With all of the separation and distancing that Covid-19 has driven, we are all craving togetherness more than ever.  Even if we are still trying to keep ourselves and others safe, we can find ways to connect. Thankfully there are ways we can still connect—in small groups, taking precautions. Via technology. We love to have friends over for dinners and to play board games.  It is one of the ways that we create more joy and laughter in our lives.

And it is such a simple way to create connections, strengthen the bonds of friendship, and learn more about your family and friends in a very relaxing way. If it has been too long since you pulled out a board game, maybe it is time to do so.  Or if, God forbid, you don't have any board games, make a family trip to the toy store or go online for a search of great games to discover what games seem like they would be good ones for your family and friends to have a chance to play together.

When we have dinners and play board games, we know we are spreading the joy of friendship. It is truly a delight. Try it. You'll like it.

(c) 2021, SZing. Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Do Not Tithe to Shoulds

There is a tremendous amount of resistance I have found in people about the idea of tithing and a lot of misunderstanding of it.  The Bible admonishes all to put 10% of all that is gained into the storehouse (in Biblical times, they meant grain or good since they didn't necessarily get money but often traded goods for goods.)  In our times, a tithe is money. It is not volunteer hours. It is not giving away stuff to charity.  Those are volunteering and giving stuff to charity. Not a tithe.

Some people tighten up and resist tithing thinking, "I can't pay all of my bills now. How can I afford to put aside 10% of my income to give away?"  Others have told me, "Why should I tithe to a church or minister? They aren't supposed to get money or already have too much." (At another time we can address the "not supposed to get money" question.)  There is resentment. There is anger. There is outright rebellion about tithing.

I have witnessed at one particular church I used to attend that people barely put anything into the tithe basket as it was passed. They might throw in a dollar or two. One woman actually just held her hand over the basket and passed it. Now it is one thing if people do not have any money or actually are providing their tenth and a dollar is the tenth.  But knowing these people, I was aware that they made a good monthly income.  Yet they withheld when it came to tithing.

I surmised two things from this.  1) They do not understand the law of tithing (or the law of attraction or law of prosperity) and 2) they must not be getting spiritually fed at that location--which begs the question...why stay?  Find someone or something that does actually inspire or speak to your soul.

I like to think of a tithe as my way of  Paying it Forward. God doesn't need the money, but in order for teachings to be shared, money helps the teachers teach, books to be published, videos to be made available. If you are seeking and you find, help others also find.

I do not tithe where I feel some sense of obligation to tithe or am pressured to because I "should."  I tithe where I can give it freely, joyfully and without any sense of resistance or resentment.  I tithe to book authors, to certain churches, to teachers who do different YouTube videos, to teachers of classes and workshops--but only when I am genuinely spiritually fed and only if I can do it with complete abandon and delight. If I feel myself clench up, I know that the tithe is not coming from a place of love and light within me but from some sense of resentment.  That is a good signal for me to look at why I am clenching when it comes to tithing. There are just some preachers and ministers who do not really feed spiritually (and sadly, more than a few that actually starve us out with their focus on the mundane as opposed to the upliftment and spiritual growth.)

Tithing is a way of showing gratitude to Spirit. It is a way of showing appreciation for your spiritual growth. It also is a path to greater prosperity in every way. We are to prove God by tithing--and then receive the showers of blessings as our tithe (JOYFULLY GIVEN) is multiplied abundantly.  I know people who have tithed not on the income they currently make but on the income they are envisioning making in the future. And each time they do, their income rises in short order.  How?  It's a mystery and we are not to muddle around in the How.  What I know is that when I tithe, my income is always provided with more than enough to take care of all I require and need with more than enough time and money left over to spare and to share. When I do not tithe, I find that income is much more challenging to come by and much more of a struggle to find or receive.

I tithe with joy to those people, teachers, preachers, books, videos, and on rare occasion, churches where I am spiritually fed because I know that keeping income in circulation spiritually (for money is only energy, after all) is like keeping the light switch on and the energy flowing to light the room.  Let us not forget that those who are guided to teach, speak, write or share their spiritual insights, to uplift, or to give spiritual food do also have bills to pay.  It is not good spiritual karma to take, take, take without giving back and will eventually lead to a crisis in income because you are declaring to the Cosmos that you are in lack and the Cosmos is all about giving you what you believe.  Believe in your Prosperity and in your Spiritual Feeding, tithe freely and with joy and you will see that your Prosperity opens up.

(c) 2021, SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Bless Your Life

A blessing can be seen as several things.  Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as "approval that allows or helps you do something."  This is like when you seek the blessing of your parents to get married, or the blessing of your family to take a new job.  It can also be a self blessing or an acknowledgement of the blessing of God upon your life.

A blessing can also be "a favor or gift bestowed by God which brings happiness," according to

A blessing can also come from an individual. It can be in the form of a sense of approval for you. It can be in the form of words spoken in a loving way. It can the supportive behaviors and words of loved ones as you move along your path.

The opposite of a blessing is a curse. Sadly in our society there are many curses flung around--and not all of them are cuss words, but they carry the same energy and attitude as if they were.  How many times a day people are rude to each other, pushy, impatient, gossipy, judgmental, harsh, or just plain mean--each one is a type of curse.  The problem with curses is that, just as with blessings, they tend to have a boomerang effect. Which accounts for why so many people seem to be pretty unhappy with their lives.

A blessing also tends to boomerang.  When we speak loving words of encouragement to each other it will come back. When we look at others with genuine care and try to comfort others in times of distress, that will come back.  When we are open to listen to others, open to see the best and highest good in those who cannot seem to see it for themselves, we are blessing them and that will come back too.

The purpose of a blessing is not to gain anything though that often is the ultimate result.  The purpose of a blessing is to bring more joy and light and love to the world.  To enlighten us up.  It does not require a ministerial ordination to do this.  It does not require any special schooling or training to be a person who bestows blessings.  Every person has within themselves the same power and capability to give love, light and joy to others.

Today my goal is to bless everyone I come into contact with--even if that contact is through the Internet or social media.  I can choose wisely what I share in order to uplift and bring light and love to the world. I can choose in my personal relationships to give hugs, to listen, to be genuinely present and to give genuine care.

I can also choose to bless my own life. The activities I do, the words I speak, my body and health, my relationships, my creativity and more can receive the same loving kindness and care that I choose to give out. I choose to be a blesser. I choose to receive blessings. I ignore curses. I bless the cursers, knowing they need the light and love. I choose to be a giver of love, light and joy today.

(c) 2021, SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs by Pixabay public domain images.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Cast Out

It is inevitable in the scheme of things that somewhere along the way we will run into people or situations, places or activities that are not a "good fit" with who we are.  They delight in throwing us into chaos and making us question who we are. They delight in trying to throw people off track and under the bus. They love to make others less so they can feel like more in a crazy method of trying to build themselves up. We may not always realize it right away.  We may be charmed into thinking that these people are in alignment and are genuine but not see that they actually are manipulating and using. We may not realize that a set of rules or dogma have set in or that what is said to be the focus really is not the focus of a group or a church.

The fantastic thing about life is that we do not have to stay around people who are toxic--you know--the ones who are constantly in a state of drama and chaos and want to suck every molecule of energy up and every second of everyone's time to hash and rehash their messed up life. Dramas and chaos follow them everywhere they go. They are constantly in arguments and fights with people. These are the same people who don't, won't or can't use any tools to move beyond the same old junk they are mired in. They are comfortable in their misery. They despise those who are not in misery and will do all in their power to bring others to their level. They are the enraged/angry, the hostile, the ones who are cruel while appearing to be kind, playing all sides to their own benefit.  If it looks like a scorpion, stings like a scorpion, don't be fooled into thinking it is a sweet creature full of light. It is a type of life sucking spider filled with toxins.

My only advice for anyone who is around these vampires is to get away and cast them out of your life once and for all.  Do not call them or allow them to call you. Do not let them into your realm, your home, your work, your friendships. They are the destructors and destroyers who take pleasure in seeing others fall because they feel themselves too unworthy to succeed--therefore all must fall to their level.  Remove yourself from their presence and any areas they like to hang out because it is a sure thing that in very short order they will rain down chaos to the area.

Cast them out of your thoughts, cast them out of your life.  You may have to go so far as to speak words to cast them out.  And pray. Pray hard that you may be held safe and harmless from these, sorry, there's no other way to call it, crazed people. The fanatics and the flip floppers who one day appear genuine but the next have turned into hissing and spitting hellcats. Cast out the naysayers and the poisoners. Those who claim that you must do something they subscribe to or you are not okay. Cast out those who want to control you, who want to "bring you down a notch". Cast out those who accuse you but do not know you or who have taken the poison in from other vampires. Cast out those who are hypocrites.

In order to move on with your life in a productive and healthy way, you must remove yourself from the people, the situations, the institutions that are harming you. You must not allow them to make you less to build themselves up. You have purpose and you are worthy. You do not need a guru for you have the wisdom and guidance within you to know exactly what you need and where you need to be, if you will allow and listen. The One Source does have a blueprint--it is not destined or set in stone and has fluidity based on your choices, but trust that whatever is yours to do, whatever is yours to be, whatever is yours to have cannot be withheld by any naysayers.  You have a purpose. You have value and worthiness. No one can give you that value or worthiness other than yourself so beware of those who are looking to tell you you need them to validate you or who need you to make them worthy.  Be ware of those who are jealous and covet what you have or are.  Surround yourself with light and love at all times. Call upon angels of light to protect and surround you...and fight your battles if need be.

Within each one of us, we do in fact have all that we need. We are always given more than we need, can use or desire. We always have more resources and energy but it comes from within, not from others.  It comes from the One Source.  Our individual lives are relatively short. Too short to be messing around with people who are not for us. Too short to be brought down to build others up--those gloaters and crowers--who, when you  examine their lives carefully are filled with black misery.  Cast Out and move on.

(c) 2021, SZing, Spiritual Creators. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Move Toward Thriving

Survival is important, no doubt about it. Without the basics of life--food, water, shelter, there would not be Life for long. But there comes a point in time and life when we are called to move beyond survival.  Since I live in the USA, I am blessed with more abundance and prosperity than so many people across the world can even begin to imagine. And I admit, I probably do take it somewhat for granted, although I am extremely grateful each day for all that I have and have access to.

I don't know if it is possible for people who are struggling for the basics to find a way to thrive--I suppose some of this might depend on the definition of thriving.  I don't know for sure, but I am guessing that they also have dreams and wishes that they'd like to fulfill. I am guessing that if there is a day where all of their needs are met they might take a few minutes to relax and just enjoy the sunshine, or the cool covering of shelter and in those moments the chance for thoughts of thriving might come into play.

For those of us, like me, who live in an abundant community and have plenty of food to eat, clothes to wear and more shelter than is really necessary, the definition of thriving takes on a different stripe. We certainly must remain in gratitude for all the good we have access to. I am grateful every day for the good that is mine to use and have. I don't have to worry about where my next cup of water is coming from or whether I will be safe from the storms of nature. This opens up a whole venue of ideas and thoughts, dreams and meditations on how I can better utilize the skills, the talents, and the gifts I have been given and developed to express my self more, to experience more of life, to help others to express themselves more and to help others to experience more of life. It calls me to find ways to bring more beauty to the world. I am nudged to provide encouragement, upliftment and inspiration for those I come across in my path.  It calls me to move away from situations, people or institutions that stifle the idea of thriving or which try to circumvent my own or others ability to move beyond survival mode to thriving. I am inspired to expand my richness of life--through loving friendships and relationships, through creative expression, through improved health, through appreciation for the world in which I live. is not just about monetary wealth or income. It goes beyond the riches of money to the riches of deepening friendships, deepening understanding of the world and spiritual matters, to the deepening of self-care so that I can provide other care for those who are open to receive. about finding the abundance and opulence of life. Thriving is about exceeding our previous abilities, talents or skills toward creating blessings for self and others every day, many times a day. Thriving is when innovations can occur. It is when entertainment can occur. It is when creation can occur.

(c) 2021,  SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain

Sunday, May 2, 2021


I often come back to the idea of forgiveness because it is a spiritual practice that I do every day, often many times a day.  We may wonder, "how many times do I have to forgive this person/situation?"  The answer?  Until you no longer think about it, it no longer has any sort of emotional charge on it and it no longer affects your life.

The Bible suggests 7 x 70 times.  I have not counted the number of times I have forgiven any specific thing but I am guessing that by the time I were to get to 490 times on any single situation, person or event, I would be pretty clear that I had forgiven.

How do we forgive?  There are many paths to this and I'm going to note just a couple that I have found really useful.

1.  Pray.  I specifically pray for the release of the situation, person, situation and also for forgiveness of myself for holding the grudge, getting involved in the situation in the first place, etc.

2.  Colin Tipping wrote a very useful book called Radical Forgiveness which includes a worksheet specifically for emotionally stuck forgiveness issues. I highly recommend this process although I don't use it on every single issue I do forgiveness work on, I use it on the ones that are highly charged for me. I believe the worksheets are in a PDF down loadable format from his website.

3.  I use an Avatar technique called At-One-Ment (atonement).  It can be used anywhere, anytime and does not take a lot of time or effort but is very powerful for release and forgiveness.  It is a part of the Avatar Mini Course. It is available for free as well.

4.  I also sometimes use Brene' Brown's forgiveness exercise which is very useful for quick moments of forgiveness or when the issue is not taking up huge expenditures of energy and attention.  I also love using it specifically for self-forgiveness as I find it is very nurturing.

There are several other methods I use periodically but these four are the main ones I utilize on a regular/daily basis.

Self forgiveness is the most important gift you can give yourself. You may not get forgiveness from others but if you can love and forgive yourself you can heal wounds and move on to live a productive, good and sweet life.

If I have offended, if I have done anything ever to harm or upset you, if I have been wrong and not seen or acknowledged it, I ask your forgiveness.  And you can be assured that I also am forgiving you for any thing which I might construe as negative or something I need to forgive. I forgive you. I forgive me.  I choose peace.

(c) 2021,  SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Manifest Your Destiny

Before there was the Secret, there were a lot of others including U. S. Anderson and the book "Three Magic Words," the "Bible", Ernest Holmes and Charles Fillmore, and so many others who all were telling us the same things just not in the way "The Secret" does or using the number of technological mediums available. And of course, integral to The Secret are the writings of Charles F. Haanel's "The Master Key System."  

Funny thing--I've had this book in the door pocket of my car for over 10 years. If I went somewhere and there were long lines, I'd read the book. If I got stopped in a traffic jam, I'd read a page or two. If I happened to have a few minutes to stop at a park, I'd take the book along and just enjoy reading outdoors for a few minutes.

Well, I sold my car and in preparation to do so, I re-discovered this lovely little gem. While I was cleaning the car, I was giving the Universe notice that it was my intention that the car sell, that it sell quickly and that it sell for more than what I actually expected. My intent was very clear. My photos and description were very clear. My price was very clear. And within less than 12 hours of posting it online, I had more money in my hand than I thought I'd actually get for the car, the title was transferred and it was a done deal. Although I had naysayers who thought I might be lucky if I sold it at all, I did not listen to them and trusted my heart and the guidance I was getting--I used logical steps to research other similar cars and the selling price of them... 

My sweetie and a couple of other good friends were not only shocked at the price that I was able to receive but also the speed with which the car exited my domain especially considering that the car is 14 years old with almost 200,000 miles!

 I was done with it. I declared I was done with it and that its new owner was ready for it. And so it was! I also had no doubt that what I intended would happen before the end of the week. I had no idea it would be within the day! Here is the paragraph that I read when I found the book by Haanel in the car pocket as I was cleaning: (page 150)

 "This week concentrate upon your power to create; seek insight, perception; try to find a logical basis for the faith which is in you. Let the thought dwell on the fact that the physical man lives and moves and has his being in the sustainer of all organic life air, that he must breathe to live. Then let the thought rest on the fact that the spiritual man also lives and moves and has his being in a similar but subtler energy upon which he must depend for life, and that as in the physical world no life assumes form until after a seed is sown, and no higher fruit than that of the parent stock can be produced; so in the spiritual world no effect can be produced until the seed is sown and the fruit will depend upon the nature of the seed, so that the results which you secure depend upon your perception of law in the mighty domain of causation, the highest evolution of human consciousness."

 Yep. I planted the seed, nurtured it with my cleaning up the car (every stroke of the vacuum and the cleaning rag was an emphasis that the car was going to sell.) I removed all of my personal items so that all that was left was a clean, neutral car ready for the impress of the new owner. I was very clear when I posted online that it would see the right person. And before I had even woken up the next day I had not one, not two, but three definitely interested buyers. I sold to the first of the three and the other two were disappointed--one even telling me he would have paid an additional $500 to have had my car. Yes, my 14 year old car. Imagine that! Well, I did. And it became reality.

 So as Emerson said, "There is no thought in my mind but it quickly tends to convert itself into a power and organizes a huge instrumentality of means.”

(C) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All rights reserved. Photos courtesy of Pixabay. 

Synchronicity Happens

No matter how much science understands about life, it is a fact that there is far more that we humans still do not understand. The mystery that surrounds us in so many ways is unfathomable though we try to make sense of it, we will never truly understand how everything works, why it works, or how it works.  Life, the human body, the Cosmos...all are still mostly shrouded in mystery to us.

I respect people who are atheists or who are agnostics although in truth I do not understand how they can not believe that some greater Mind, some greater energy or Creator is at work when one looks at how small we actually are in the scheme of existence.  I do think we are all agnostics at some level in that we cannot and do not know the deep mysteries.

Luckily, or serendipitously, or synchronistically there are hints, God winks, guideposts that help us on our path.  Of course, we often ignore or do not notice these synchronicity that are showing us the way because we have set in our minds that a specific path is going to be done a certain way and only that way--therefore we do not have any room left for allowing synchronicity and serendipitous activities to occur.

But when we are open to the mystery and synchronicity of life, when we set an intention and are open to whatever manner and way it is to be brought to fruition, we get hints on the path.  Once, many years ago when I was first beginning my spiritual path, I kept hearing people talking about a specific book.  I saw it on shelves in bookstores, it was in magazines I read. It seemed to be everywhere I looked. Still, for some reason, I did not pick it up or choose to read it.

Until one day I was walking through a store.  It was a Christian supply store. One of the last places
that I would have expected to find this New Thought book on the shelf.   I was not looking for it though I had just finished having a conversation with a friend about it as she encouraged me to find a copy and read it.  I had reluctantly told her I would.  I walked down the back aisle of the shop...and a book fell off the shelf and landed at my feet.  It was the very book I had been seeing, hearing about and had promised to read. I sighed, picked it up and said, "Okay, okay. I give up. I get it. I'm going to buy it and read it."  And I did.  It was an important book upon my early journey, "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield.  Interestingly, there is quite a bit in the book about synchronicity.

You might strike up a conversation with someone in line at the grocery store, or see the same person in every shop you enter. It might be a hint that you are to talk to that person for there is something they have to say to your or vice versa that is necessary on the path.  You might "accidentally" take a wrong turn and end up finding the exact house you wish to buy. You might dial a wrong number and it turns out to be a right number.  The possibilities for synchronicity are endless and mind boggling as the void, the quantum field of all possibilities is always churning out information and options for us to choose.

There is no limit to how we may choose for our lives to unfold.  As Abraham speaks of often, the
Vortex is full of the desires we have intended and we only need to pay attention to bring them to manifestation.  It really isn't that difficult, but it does take some practice and discipline to keep attention on what we want long enough for it to manifest.

I think it is quite possible that every action you have ever taken you have been guided to do--whatever ideas you have and whatever path you have meandered down, If I map out each step I take and think about how I chose those steps, I can clearly see the path of synchronicity. I don't necessarily believe in destiny, other than the idea that I have a purpose. I believe that, like finding God, there are an infinite paths to fulfilling my purpose. It is comforting to know that whatever I choose, even if I take a side step off the easier path of least resistance, I can always follow the guideposts back to that path.  I've talked about the path of least resistance.

In the meantime, do what you do each day but pay attention to signs, conversations, words that come up over and over, thoughts that your mind strays to over and over, if you see the same picture, person or word...these are all often synchronistic winks from the Divine.  If you think of an owl and then you see or hear one, that's synchronicity. If you look for a blue feather and you find one, even if it is printed, that's synchronicity. If you think of someone and they call you, that's synchronicity.  No matter what you do, know that Synchronicity Happens.

(c) 2021, SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved.  Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Find Your Joy

AAhhh, if only we could go to the closest store and pick joy up off the shelf...we could have it every day.  And some people think that buying stuff is the key to their joy.  Not that stuff can't bring about joy, but it is a mistake to think that the thing is the joy.

Joy costs nothing to have first of all. Joy is not attached to any thing or person. Joy is an inner sense, a feeling we can generate and experience.


You can find joy by meditating.  Some even go beyond joy to bliss.

You can find joy by being aware of what you are doing and being thankful for each thing you do. Some call this chopping wood, carrying water.  The joy is in the details, in the mundane, daily tasks. Don't cop out and kill your joy by grumbling or phasing out to think about other things that are not even present in the moment. Stay in the moment. Feel the soapy dishwater and the pan in your hand. Enjoy the movement of the broom or the vacuum. Notice everything around you as you walk or talk with another.

You can find joy by fully immersing yourself in your work, in a creative project, in loving another person (no, you aren't living their life, you are enjoying their being present with you).

You can find joy in remembering happy times from the past (but stay in the present).

You can find joy in just about anything and any situation if you will allow yourself. Once you know or remember what joy feels like, you can tap into this feeling and generate more of it at any time.

Finding your joy is vital to be able to bring more of what you want and desire into fruition in your life. The happier you are, the happier you are. The more joyful you are, the more joyful you are. Try it. You'll like it.

(c) 2021 SZing, Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy of Pixabay public domain images.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.

About 20 years ago I had the opportunity to visit Concord, Massachusetts. Some of my very favorite authors once lived there, including Louisa May Alcott and Henry David Thoreau.  I walked around Walden Pond and I meditated at the small cabin that Thoreau stayed out while he was exploring his writing and living as simply as possible. He had a phrase that he used "Simplify, simplify, simplify."

There is definitely something refreshing about doing a twice a year or quarterly cleaning out and purging of "stuff" that is no longer used, needed, enjoyed or in good condition.  I try at least twice a year to clean out closets, cupboards, drawers and other items in storage.  What is usable, I donate to a charity. What is broken or damaged, I throw away.

I have found, after many years of this process, that the more stuff I purge, the lighter I feel and sometimes I also lose weight as a bonus.  I recently had a friend tell me she is downsizing to a tiny house and is so relieve let go of stuff. She said, “I want to spend my money and my time on living my life, not on taking care of stuff. “ So wise and also, for, inspiring. I think that is one of the things I crave by this release of stuff. A simpler way of living.

Some years I am better at releasing items and clearing them out than others.  This year I'm cleaning out lots of deadwood and detritus that has been making our home feel "stuffed" and overloaded.  I am excited to release it to go to new homes where I hope the stuff will be used and enjoyed and shared and passed on until it no longer is useful. I recommend the process and like Thoreau I exclaim "Simplify, simplify, simplify."

(c) 2021 SZing , Spiritual Creator. All Rights Reserved. Photographs courtesy Pixabay public domain images.